Consolidated Kansas

Hawkeye I have a huge metal pile. Most of it was from junk that was laying all over this place when I bought it. I have been wanting to get it hauled out of here forever. The problem is I keep digging through it and using this and that to make something. I've been promised forever we'd take it and cash it in but there's always an excuse.

Hawkeye I use those same probiotics but I often just put some in the water. They don't seem to mind it at all.
I woudn't feed with non-medicated feed myself. Health conscious people want a guarantee of no chemicals in their birds and want them fed non GMO feed and no antibiotics. It seems dumb to me to take the chance of getting cocci. Plus once you have an outbreak on your property you can count on having more outbreaks. Short of vaccinating every chick on the place I'd rather feed medicated feed and keep Corid on hand for an emergency. I have never had a case of Cocci at least that I know of. I'd like to keep it that way.
Congrats on selling another car! I bet it feels good to have it gone! Every time we get rid of something, it is uplifting! I put the probiotics in the water when I'm at the shows and when I REALLY want everyone to be sure to get dosed with it, I mix it in the water which works really well. Yeah, I'm with you-- I will never use anything but medicated chick starter. That is one more thing I don't need to be worried about. So far I've never had cocci either, but I know it's not a guarantee.
And I'm sooo sorry about the chick! Wow, that is just one of those things you wouldn't expect to happen!

Im glad we have a metal buying place not far from here. I take all my "junk" to them, May not be much, but over time it sure adds up. I save what ever money I get from the scrap yard, and when there is enough, we go out to eat at Outback or something like that. Makes it fun, no money really spent out of pocket, and beats hauling and just throwing away money. Junk, scrap is usually brings a good price.

Hawkeye, are you going to go to Vinita ok show. It is limited t 500. It is a bantam only show. I think I am going to go, but, I also think I am going to take some sale birds too. Just to move some birds out, and get ready for the spring chicks. Last year at this time I had babies almost ready to hatch. This year none of the Rosecomb girls are laying
They may have to get really busy next month. So I have babies to show!! Oh, I am going to split my bread mix tomorrow, would you like a start of it, ALONG with the directions? Or anybody else want some Amish sour dough sweet bread starter?
I haven't heard of the Vinita, OK show. Did you read about it in the Poultry Press?? I have Jan's newspaper, so I better go back and look thru the show dates, etc. When does it close? I think that is NEAT that it's a bantam only show! Have you been before? Is this a really big one? 500 bantams alone sounds pretty decent to me! My silkies are not laying either. I have gotten an egg about once a week-- maybe. I don't know when they're going to kick in and actually start laying! I would love to have the starter! Don't know the logistics of getting it...? LOL Maybe at the next show we both go to!

I was so sick last night by the time my DH got home from work I was running about 101 fever & I just felt miserable. I am still not feeling good today & my right ear is hurting. I tend to get ear infections with any respiratory illness, I sure hope that's not what is going on. I hate taking antibiotics, I have had to take so many over the years from chronic infections that it has really messed up my body. I take probiotics daily, but when I take an antibiotic I have to also get diflucan to counteract the yeast, it's just a mess. I know I will have to lay around for the most part today too, I just have to get over this crud because my DH is wanting to go see his mom & I can't go if I'm sick. He's feeling well enough to work now, but still not 100%, he says this has been the strangest virus, whatever it is, that he has ever had.

I ordered 5 Barnvelder chicks yesterday & they will be mixed colors, double laced, blue laced, & splash, so I'm hoping I at least get some of the blues. I think they're just gorgeous. They're not coming until the end of April. I really don't want any more chicks to have to keep in the house. These two I have in here haven't been bad, but if there had been more I would have had a lot more mess. They're in my big metal horse trough that I first used for a brooder, it was easier to move in than the other brooders I have in the garage. I did get two Brinsea Ecoglows to use in my brooders & the one I have in the trough is working great. I still want to get one more because I'm going to build one more brooder since I'm getting broiler chicks in the spring too & they will need their own brooder. I have so much to do, I just feel like I can't afford to be laying around, but when you feel like I do right now there isn't much else you can do.
Oh yikes, this sounds bad. I bet you do have an ear infection. I STILL have an inner ear infection that is still causing me to be dizzy. It has let up a little, but I can't believe that it is still going strong. I agree with this being strange-- I have NEVER been this sick before. Ever. I just don't usually get sick at all. Everyone around me drops like flies and I'm fine. I don't know what the heck happened. Oh and so envious about the EcoGlow! I want one! I'll need to save up a bit, though. If they burn out, how do you replace the filament? We buy those expensive light bulbs that they advertise as lasting 3 years... well, ours burn out in about 8 months or so. Ridiculous. It's just our luck.

Thanks for the info Hawkeye, I’ll keep them in mind and I’m not ready to switch on what I’m feeding the chicks yet. When I figure out what I want to try instead I may divide a hatch into two groups so I can compare notes.

Josie, Toby was beautiful when I got him but gosh, he just keeps getting prettier. He still would prefer not to be handled but sometimes I just pet him just to. He’s a nice boy.

So in chickens do they always have cocci present in their systems and if they get sick that means that their normal flora became off balance? Like in people, we always have strep or staph or even yeast everywhere but it doesn’t matter unless they take over. I don’t want to do anything to hurt my chicks or chickens, but I don’t want to follow blindly either just because it’s what everyone is doing. I want to know I’m doing the right thing.

I’m so sorry about your chick. That’s terrible! I had that happen one time, do you think that where the yolk absorbed just stayed too open? It must be bad. I wish you could just push it back inside but I’m sure that wouldn’t work. I’m sorry.
If you're talking about dividing up a batch and feeding one medicated and the other non, I don't think you'll see any difference. At least not at first. But if your brooder is contaminated with adult poo-- or you haven't washed your hands, etc... then you could kill your babies. But still, cocci isn't one of those things that is going to pop up every single time. It may be just the ONE time you had expensive chicks in there and the other batches when thru fine. Anyway, I know a lot of people get along okay with out the medicated starter, but I can't see myself taking that chance.

I bet Josie could explain better on how it works! I've read about it, but all I'd be doing is just quoting something I read. As far as I know, it's a living organism that is in the ground and then can be ingested by adults and passed in poop-- but they should be immune to it by that age. Then along comes young birds or chicks, and they don't fare so well. If you ever get it, it doesn't go away. Okay-- now Josie needs to correct all of my "internet knowledge"! LOL
Danz- I am proud of him, he is beautiful. The reds are just so dark I couldnt see them mixed with a light bird but I guess it has to be. I can see that cochin in them for sure and just an intense red in the sun. What about the black one?

Mommahen- I love trying to solve the mystery of who is who lol
Hey all! I know I haven't jumped on lately, but my health hasn't changed and I'm still back and forth between home and the hospital.

Sad day here in my coop. Goldie, the Golden Laced Orp was found dead this afternoon. I checked her out to see if I could figure out what happened to her (she was just laying in the middle of run) and there were thousands of mites covering her. They were red and clumped in bunches underneath the feathers. I caught all of the other birds and checked them, but I couldn't see any mites on them, although I know they are probably there if Goldie had them, then so do the other birds. Do you think they would have gathered on her more because she was dead, or could they have caused her death? I never noticed anything wrong with her before, she was just as chickeny as all the others are right now.

I guess this weekend I'm going to have to completely clean out the whole run and dust everything with sven. Cry... my first chicken loss.
Oh,I am such a dumb bunny!!! Its not Vinita, but PRYOR, OK!!! i don't know why I said the other town. Like I said bantam only, and 500 birds excepted.

hawkeye, yes I went last year and did real well. I believe a bantam black cochin won the show thou, man, made me almost want to get back into cochins. NOT!!! I think Im going to do some rosie downsizing. Think Im going to sell the silver campine pair, 3 silver ameaucana hens, quad of FCBM's. 1 lavendar ameracana cock, 2 bantam partridge wyandotte cockerels, silver spangled hamberg cockerel, 5 or 6 silky cockerels, 3, or 4 silky pullets. That should open up some pens, and make moving easier. They have not worked on the barn for a day and a half. I was getting unhappy, and they showed up this after noon. I hope they get busy, I would like to start putting things together.
Oh tweety, Im so sorry you lost your hen. So sorry you are not feeling any better, gosh seems like someone should be able to help you somewhere!!!! Yeah get the seven, and go after the other birds. Don't know why the red mites were on her like that, they usually hit after dark, and then leave after they have fed. Unless she was so drained of blood, that she went outside trying to get away form them, and froze outside because of blood loss.
Thanks Cheoukan! I didn't know that about the red mites only coming out at night. Might explain why I didn't see them on any of the other birds.

They are trying to do something. I have a test on Monday to see if a pain pump would work. This would be planted under my skin to deliver pain medication right to my stomach and spinal column 24/7. I am truly hoping this will work because it's the stomach pain that's keeping me from working the most.
Gosh sounds like a rough day all around. Sorry to everyone that had losses or is sick.

Its so hard seeing MW's chicks and the chicks on the other threads---NO NO NO I will not catch chick fever (keep repeating that to myself)

Trish we have the eco glow going on some barnyard mix chicks now, seemed to take them a bit to figure it out but they like it now.
Tweety, I'd definitely get every bird and corner treated for mites. I am sorry for your loss. I'm also sorry you still aren't doing well. I do check on you on facebook now and then. Love the pictures with your granddaughter. Such a cutie.
Rosie I'd love to have some of your starter but have no idea how I'd get it. so Mammahen, maybe if that doesn't work I could get some of yours. Beg beg plead.
I still have my old recipe but it takes so long to get going. I'd rather take the easy way!
Chickies duckies is going to give me the info to buy some raw milk. It isn't really close but I'd love to get some maybe combining trips elsewhere.
I've concluded it's time to find bigger containers for my FF. I have three different ones going now and two of them aren't making enough for one day. I need to clean out the shop and get a big barrel of it started out there. These birds are starting to get picky who get it and act like vultures when I put it out. They let their normal feed just sit if I don't give them the fermented stuff. I really am glad cause in the long run I am sure it will be much better for them and I do hope it saves me on feed costs eventually.
Tweety, I'd definitely get every bird and corner treated for mites. I am sorry for your loss. I'm also sorry you still aren't doing well. I do check on you on facebook now and then. Love the pictures with your granddaughter. Such a cutie.
Rosie I'd love to have some of your starter but have no idea how I'd get it. so Mammahen, maybe if that doesn't work I could get some of yours. Beg beg plead.
I still have my old recipe but it takes so long to get going. I'd rather take the easy way!
Chickies duckies is going to give me the info to buy some raw milk. It isn't really close but I'd love to get some maybe combining trips elsewhere.
I've concluded it's time to find bigger containers for my FF. I have three different ones going now and two of them aren't making enough for one day. I need to clean out the shop and get a big barrel of it started out there. These birds are starting to get picky who get it and act like vultures when I put it out. They let their normal feed just sit if I don't give them the fermented stuff. I really am glad cause in the long run I am sure it will be much better for them and I do hope it saves me on feed costs eventually.
Well, danz, I guess I need to mail you some! PM me your address.
Danz, my bread starter is fed with sugar, water and potato flakes. I really want to try one that doesn’t have sugar. I tried to grow one that was just flour and water but it kept getting stinky and I never got to use it. I should try that again. I know there is another that is typically called a sweet bread but I think it uses other types of leavening too. I’m curious to hear which one Checoukan is using. I want to try a new one. Danz, when I come your way I’ll bring you a gallon of fresh milk from our neighbor. Sometimes when my wrist is acting up I can’t knead the bread either. One time I was seriously kneading it with my left hand and my right elbow, that had to be a pitiful sight. When I have a day that my wrist isn't working I use my mixer too.

I agree with what you are saying about different yeasts giving different flavors too. Different strains, and I have no clue what strain is in my bread starter but it does make yummy bread. You shouldn’t have to continually buy new packets of yeast though, if you reserve a start of your fermented feed to inoculate your next batch of feed you should be able to keep the same strains going for a long time. This is one time that having a little bit of old food in your new food doesn't matter, contrary to everything we've been taught. You just have to make sure that you mix it thoroughly and regularly, this will make sure there aren't big areas of old food and the old parts will always be a small portion. It doesn't really even matter if you wash these containers so much. The biggest concern about not washing them it the parts on the sides of the container above the level of the feed, that part can mold and would be a reason to wash. And yes, carbohydrate and sugar are the same thing. I mean there are different types but they all break down into sugar anyway so it’s not going to matter. I just know that some yeast prefer starch than sugar, which is what’s supposed to be in the bread but they still eat sugar too.

Can’t wait to see a pic of your Dan Powell roo, I like seeing just so I know what you’re talking about. Is there any way you could track down who he sold to so you could get him a lady friend?

So essentially, Verizon is not giving you unlimited internet if they’re shutting you off because you’re using too much. I’m glad they answered your question too. We are still sitting with a bunch of out of contract phones with nowhere else to take our business though. Even though I’m not happy with them I’m not sure who would be better either.

It sounds like you have your computer set up to remember your password on BYC, that’s good. It won’t matter until you need a new computer. It’s funny that you say that about your cabinets, I’ve been secretly thinking about painting my cabinets white. The finish is coming off and they get such heavy use, I was thinking a smooth enamel would be easier to wipe down. Maybe I should rethink that.

Hawkeye, I’m not going to do anything hastily with how I’m feeding my chicks. I just know that the feed is coming right threw them like it’s all trash anyway so I was looking for something that was better absorbed. I’ll definitely wait to hear Josie’s input too. There is almost no chance of the brooders being contaminated with adult poo though. Yeah, that would be my luck the one time I bought something expensive would be the time it would hit. I know that I compare everything to people but that’s the only thing that I have to compare to. I think about my little one getting sick just recently and it was really his first time getting sick while on his own, he hadn’t been sick like that since he quit nursing. I wasn’t counting the thing with the galvanized metal. So this time it was his immune system all by itself, no help from my immunities and no medicine and his immune system hadn’t been altered by vaccines either. I kept telling myself that he was ready for this and that his body knew what to do and he would get through it and he did. I think I was more worried than usual because he was my nicu baby and he just had a really rough start. So then I compare it to the chickens. If they were gradually exposed to small amount of bacteria where they bodies had time to learn how to respond then they would build a stronger natural immunity. If you complemented this with the best nutrition you could and their body had all it needed to build the antibodies and defenses, well why couldn’t they learn to deal with normal amounts of bacteria in their environment. We all come across bad germs at times, and sometimes we get sick and sometimes we don’t and there are reasons, it’s not always just by chance. There are germs everywhere, and they don’t always bring us down. It makes sense to me to reserve the medicine for the extreme cases and try to build the immune system first. Josie, I’d really like to hear your input. Who decided that all chicks need medicated feed? What was the reason and were their conditions the same as ours?

Tweety, I’m so sorry that you are still struggling with the health issues. I so wish I had an easy answer for you. If they can't fix the problem so that you don't have pain then I really hope that the pain pump will at least relieve your pain. I’m sorry to hear about your loss too. I would think that means that they all have mites too. That had to be a terrible way to find her. I think the mites want a live host and maybe they needed to leave to find a new host once she passed. Maybe that’s why you could see them so well. I’ve been having my own concerns about mites, I don’t like how a couple of the chickens legs are looking. I don’t know what I’m looking for though.

Checoukan, I’d really like to try your starter too if it’s the other kind than I have. Danz, I love to share my starter.

Danz, you may only need those bigger containers for the feed for a short time. They’re eventually supposed to start eating less.

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