Consolidated Kansas

Hello fellow Kansans! I have been lurking for quite some time due to deciding to start the 2nd flock I have had in my lifetime. Went to tsc a couple of months ago and buff orpingtons were their featured breed, bought 10, lost 1, got 2 replacements that I believe are leghorns. Now I am just trying to figure out what ratio I have, hens to roos.
Hi, What part of the state are you in? There is a black powder range close enough to me I hear the shots when they are there on week ends. An interesting hobby. Do you do reinactments also?
I am in the south central area. Nope no reinactments for me , I use mine to extend my hunting season, plus they are just plain fun.
we are south east in kansas and came from a small place in cherokee north carolina. we miss our other family and friends back home and maybe can visit sometime later.
My first chick question! One of my babies has a little spot that hasn't healed completely where the cord was attached. At first, I thought she had pasty butt but on closer look her vent area is clear and it is lower on her backside/belly. Her down gets all matted down with dried clear stuff. There is no blood and it isn't poop. I keep washing her off but it doesn't seem to be helping and every time she gets washed off the other chicks tend to peck at her butt until her fuzz dries which makes it worse and as soon as it dries it is crusty again. She is eating/drinking and pooping fine and is very active. What can I do to help it heal faster or should I just leave it be?
Hi everyone. I hope you still remember me!

We had a rough winter. My aunt was hospitalized with very low hemoglobin levels, both of DH's parents had cancer scares (no cancer, though), two of our mowing customers died and another customer sold her house. The worst, though, was my nephew -- the one who stayed with us a short time this summer and then got married in August. His wife died of an aneurysm in January. She was 32. He's 26; I can't even imagine losing your husband or wife at that age. It all threw me into a spin and I kind of withdrew from things for a while. Then I'd come to BYC, see how many posts I was behind (2781 as of now) and it would make me feel exhausted just thinking of it. I'd leave without even getting into the forum.

It's spring and we've started gardening. Things are popping up in the flower beds and I'm feeling better mentally and physically, and I MISS YOU ALL! So, I'm just going to jump into the middle of things and not even try to catch up. I'm very sorry if I've missed major stuff. Hopefully it's all been good news.
Hi everyone. I hope you still remember me!

We had a rough winter. My aunt was hospitalized with very low hemoglobin levels, both of DH's parents had cancer scares (no cancer, though), two of our mowing customers died and another customer sold her house. The worst, though, was my nephew -- the one who stayed with us a short time this summer and then got married in August. His wife died of an aneurysm in January. She was 32. He's 26; I can't even imagine losing your husband or wife at that age. It all threw me into a spin and I kind of withdrew from things for a while. Then I'd come to BYC, see how many posts I was behind (2781 as of now) and it would make me feel exhausted just thinking of it. I'd leave without even getting into the forum.

It's spring and we've started gardening. Things are popping up in the flower beds and I'm feeling better mentally and physically, and I MISS YOU ALL! So, I'm just going to jump into the middle of things and not even try to catch up. I'm very sorry if I've missed major stuff. Hopefully it's all been good news.
I was just thinking about you earlier today and wondering how you are doing - I missed you! I'm so sorry to hear about all the things you've had going on, especially the loss of your niece-in-law. How awful, for him to lose her just as they were embarking on their lives together. It makes me want to go and hug and hold all of my loved ones, as we never know when we will be parted.
My first chick question! One of my babies has a little spot that hasn't healed completely where the cord was attached. At first, I thought she had pasty butt but on closer look her vent area is clear and it is lower on her backside/belly. Her down gets all matted down with dried clear stuff. There is no blood and it isn't poop. I keep washing her off but it doesn't seem to be helping and every time she gets washed off the other chicks tend to peck at her butt until her fuzz dries which makes it worse and as soon as it dries it is crusty again. She is eating/drinking and pooping fine and is very active. What can I do to help it heal faster or should I just leave it be?
I've had that happen too-- it's the umbelical cord area. It might be leaking fluid a bit. Usually this heals on its own. But I would go ahead and dab a bit of triple antibiotic ointment on the area. The biggest problem (at least with silkies, because this happens a lot with them) is that bacteria can be drawn IN the body. So, if you have a bit of iodine, I'd first rub the area with the iodine and then rub on the triple antibiotic. He could die a week later just from infection because of bacteria being drawn up into it. It's always best to take it seriously. But if you do all of that, it's likely he will be just fine.

Hi everyone. I hope you still remember me!

We had a rough winter. My aunt was hospitalized with very low hemoglobin levels, both of DH's parents had cancer scares (no cancer, though), two of our mowing customers died and another customer sold her house. The worst, though, was my nephew -- the one who stayed with us a short time this summer and then got married in August. His wife died of an aneurysm in January. She was 32. He's 26; I can't even imagine losing your husband or wife at that age. It all threw me into a spin and I kind of withdrew from things for a while. Then I'd come to BYC, see how many posts I was behind (2781 as of now) and it would make me feel exhausted just thinking of it. I'd leave without even getting into the forum.

It's spring and we've started gardening. Things are popping up in the flower beds and I'm feeling better mentally and physically, and I MISS YOU ALL! So, I'm just going to jump into the middle of things and not even try to catch up. I'm very sorry if I've missed major stuff. Hopefully it's all been good news.
Of course we remember you! I can not believe your news! I remember so many stories of your nephew and your gardening and your summer mowing. I'm so sorry about your niece (in law). That would be enough to make anyone depressed and struggle. What a shock! She was just so young and that is just an incredibly surprising thing to happen to someone that young. I'm really sorry for your nephew and your family.

Spring is new life and renewal! I hope this growing season brings back your peace. I know that there is nothing better than gardening and watering and tending to the plants. It puts me back in harmony with nature again. I am really missing that this year. I would have bought and planted trees by now and be well on my way to my watering regimine. As it is, I am going to plant my little garden plot with my favorite veggies and call it good. (we might be moving out of state, so it's tough to know what to do) No problem about trying to catch up, as you know, you just need to jump back in and it's all good.


I have so many things to do today! Just need to run errands, and I'm out of dog food and need to get it all done before I get drowned in the rain we are expecting and get home again!
Tweetybaby thanks for checkiing in on me. I do appreciate it. I'll post more after these other quotes.
TNTBlake, the biggest concern there is that they can get infected. I wouldn't wash it any more. You want it to dry and heal. Any good antibiotic might help. I have started using a piece of paper tape over the area. It just sticks to teh fuzz and protects the area from being irritated or getting picked on.
My TSC assorted bantams have changed a lot in two weeks! Can anybody tell me what breeds they might be? They a probably just about 4 weeks old.

Okay here are my guesses: I'm not a pro at bantams and can only really judge by the LF counterparts on some.

Chick #1 - feathered feet, and a long feather coming down the middle of each leg
Looks like a cochin to me.

Chick #2 - very curly and feathered feet, Frizzle ? Looks like a frizzle cochin to me.

Chick #3 - very light grey color, feathered feet Looks like a porcelain d'uccle. Does she have puffy cheeks? The rest looks right but I can't tell by her cheeks.
Chick #4 - solid white, clean feet. I haven"t a clue

Chick #5 - feathered feet Again could be a cochin or if if has puffy cheeks a mille fleur d'uccle

we are south east in kansas and came from a small place in cherokee north carolina. we miss our other family and friends back home and maybe can visit sometime later.
Really? What brought you to Kansas? My brother still lives in N. Carolina and my parents moved back from there about 3 years ago for health reasons. The area you are from is beautiful. I imagine the flat nothing land and the dry climate here about drives you nuts.
just wanted to share a couple pictures of my 5 - 6 week old silkies, I have eight of them - 4 buff, 2 paint, 2 lavender.
Really cute pictures of your silkies.
Cherwill welcome back. Nope you haven't been forgotten. I thought of you quite recently when I took a trip out to Frank Reese's farm. I thought if I knew how to contact you I should stop and see you on my way back. I am sorry for all the tragedy and problems. I can't imagine loosing a spouse so early in life.
Just jump in and resume.

Well I spent most of the day building additional pen space and cleaning out the ghetto chicken house. Then sprayed it all down with activated oxine. I treated many of the birds that were in bad shape with VetRX but left it out of their water. They were drinking the water better without it. I figured the denagard at that point was the best option if they were getting it. I lost one blue barred rock pullet and my very special gold laced blue Dan Powell Brahma hen. That was an expensive loss. It seemed like once the chickens got out and spent more time in the sun they all seemed to be doing a little better. Everything was totally clean and disinfected as of last night with new bedding etc. I even sprayed an oxine solution on the ground to try to kill any surface organisms that might reinfect them. I set up the vaporizer inside with oxine in the water and vetRX in the medication port. Of course again, So many of them sleep outside. I wouldn't be surprised when I go out to check if I have many more that passed. There was some that were in really really bad shape. I think one of them that probably won't recover is a cream legbar pullet. If only we could hold off these storms until they all get treated with the denagard water it would help so much. It appears to be helping those that are drinking.
I took Fluff to Garnett to be neutered this morning. He has never minded riding in a car but he was panting and hyper and really really nervous the entire way. And every time a vehicle would be headed toward us going the opposite direction he would panic and try to jump. I think it's pretty obvious he was chased for some distance by the same truck that the guy killed Cloud from. I think I may have to have him medicated to bring him back home. If DH hadn't been available he would have for sure caused a car wreck.
I'm going to clean up the big puppy house and put down some fleece blankets he really likes in there so he has a nice place to recoop for a few days. They suggested keeping him quiet for 10-14 days. That may be a chore. I am exploring the cost etc of keeping the dogs maintained on the property. I just haven't figured out how to divide it so I can make it affordable and functional without interrupting the flow for the tractors and combine to farm my ground.
One more thing happened yesterday that at the time almost made me throw my hands in the air and give up. The guy that farms the ground across the road has an old dog that rides in the back of his pickup. The highlight of Marshmallows day is when she sees him coming. That dog and Marshmallow have a "bark out" every time he goes by. She will see his truck a half mile down the road and crouch down to get read to run along the ditch and bark at the dog. Well yesterday he came by and he was driving slow because he was looking at my bird pens and watching the geese. Marshmallow apparently had her timing off by his reduced speed and hit his bumper or visa versa and went for a roll. He turned around and came back and she was okay. I am watching her very carefully for signs of pain but she seems to be doing okay. I was so scared. I don't think I could have stood it had she been killed.
Well then the neighbor decided to come look at the birds and one of my sebbies had gotten tangled in the electric poultry netting wire and was almost dead. He had it wrapped around and around his neck. I had to go find sissors and cut it all up to get him out. Luckily after resting for an hour or so and catching it's breath it appeared to be okay.
So I am wondering what else can happen?
Well as some of you older people probably remember I have a very compromised immune system. I have had shingles many times which is normally just a one time thing. Very painful! I take L-lysine to prevent it but they can be brought on by stress. I hadn't had a case of shingles since 2 years ago last Thanksgiving when my children had a big blow up amongst themselves over insurance money from their deceased father. I was very upset that my kids were fighting.
Well yesterday I discovered a new case of shingles flaring up. Today it is full blown and a constant reminder it is there. I was so worried about the chickens I forgot to take the prescription meds I have for it. I won't be forgetting now. You really need to catch this at first sign to get it under control or it becomes extremely painful and hard to clear. Duh!
I can't wait to hear about the shower yesterday and see pictures. Come on ladies! I am waiting.

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