Consolidated Kansas

Downy chick I don't move my hoop coops. It would take a tractor and then be difficult. Mine have 5 panels each and are 20 feet long. I am building them larger so I can add more birds and save on lumber. After I get this double coop one done I am considering building another one right next to it with a shared frame on one side.
DH finally admitted that I could have probably built a nice building for the money I have spent on individual coops and pens. But then he still says it spread the expense out. He still doesn't get how much work it would save me to have one building. Someday I'll figure out how to pay for one!
jhammett what is a greatwall enclosure?
I saw on the weather last night that there were several tornados in the Wichita area but it didn't indicate if they touched down, if there was damage, injuries or anything. I do hope all of you are okay and haven't had any losses.
We only got rain and wind here. As I was out rushing around trying to put things up I wondered to myself if the chicken coops blew over and the pens got destroyed if they chickens would be afraid to go back to them.
I had a group of chickens who have trouble finding their way back to their coop at night and they cowered under a tree, but then when it rained really hard they couldn't figure out where to go. Needless to say they got a good major soaking. Maybe next time they'll figure out where they are supposed to go. I felt sorry for them but I wasn't going to go out and try to catch them in the pounding rain. I still didn't get my tools all picked up so they got soaked. I hope they'll be okay.
I worked on the hoop coop again late in the afternoon. I got one panel up on one wall. I asked DH to help me lift the plywood so then of course things slowed down. He was being critical of how the panels weren't perfectly round. He said one end was way off from the other. So then he measured it and it was like 1/2 inch off. Way closer than I would even expect. Since he isn't building these things he has no idea how hard it is to get 5 cattle panels all lined up perfectly. I really don't care myself as long as it doesn't look trashy. I'm hoping to get my doorway cut in the first panel then get the others up today. I haven't decided if I am putting a floor in these coops like I did the last one. I like the idea of the chickens having a nice elevated dry space rather than being on the dirt. I guess it will depend on what I can find in scraps that might work.
I got one of the double coops cleaned out yesterday and moved the Olandsk out to the empty side of the coop. One more breed separated.
I have three extra Swedish Flower Hen roosters. I haven't had any one show interest in buying them. So I am thinking I might butcher them. I hate to do that but I'm tired of feeding them. It won't be long before I have some other boys big enough to butcher. My mixed birds from Frank I got some time ago are almost big enough to butcher even though they are still pretty young. They aren't even crowing yet but they are going to be huge birds. I also have a lemon cuckoo roo that I need to sell. He is the one I am using to breed with now but my second batch of boys are bigger so I want to replace him. And then I have some extra Marans boys. I just need to set up a butchering day as bad as I hate to. I do wish I could put all the roosters together in a pen without them fighting. It would sure save me a lot of trouble.
If I was closer I would take some stuff off your hands.
We got ton's of rain, wind. But everyone is okay. We found two large rat snakes(I think) Saturday kids got a kick out of that.

My Dh was given an application for dream foundation ( facing a life-threatening illness by fulfilling a heart’s final wish.) if accepted he wants to take us to Disney. This made it hit home I'm trying yo keep it together for him and kids but it's not been easy . Some of my family is going to drive up to see us this summer which will be nice for my Dh. He has been doing good with treatments just doesn't have energy so it's doubled my work I need to figure out how to clone myself. All chicks are doing good just need to get them moved outside.

I am so sorry that you have to face all this. My grand niece was just a recipiant of the dream foundation. She is just 5 years old. The family went to Disney world and had a wonderful time. It is very rare she is well enough to do anything because a good deal of her life is in Children's Mercy Hospital. However she was well enough to go and they had a great time. I think it is wonderful that your husband is still thinking of his family while he is so ill.
I like..
How many pannels are on this.. It looks Longer than mine.. ( 2Pannels)
also how many birds would make it capacity to inhabit this?
Mine are both 16 foot long, four panels. I have had about 16 guineas & two peafowl in there since I built it. I don't move either of mine, they're too heavy & they're meant to be stationary permanent coops.
Ok not sure if this is ok but I am throwing it out any way. I have a surplus of poultry syupplys and would be willing to part with some for reasonable prices:

3 - 3ft trough type feeders $10 each
2- 3 gal. waterers $10 each
2- Greattwall enclosures $20 each
2- Heat Lamps $5 each

There is more but I cant remember what it all is just now. Ill check when i get home and update. I am in the Valley center wichita area. If this isnt an appropriate post for this forum please do delete it.
Are the 3 gal. waterers metal or plastic? What are the Greatwall enclosures? Have you tried posting this stuff on the Kansas Poultry swap on Facebook? I know you would have them gone in no time if you did. If the 3 gal. waterers are plastic I would be interested in those. Send me a PM & let me know.

Boy this humidity lately is just killing me. I have been trying to talk my DH into turning on the AC, but he is resisting. I may have to do it when he goes to work one of these days if I can't stand it any more. I've got to get out & try to mow this afternoon before it rains again, the grass has gotten away from me again. I need to just buy a couple of sheep & put them out in the yard. My DH I think is actually considering it, which kind of surprised me, he's usually not open to any more animals. I would get hair sheep if I got any, that way they don't have to be sheared. I let the goats out every day in the yard anyway, so the sheep could just come out with them & graze.

So far my little Barred Rocks from Frank's eggs are doing well, I need to count how many boys & how many girls I think I have. I'm hoping for at least 2 or 3 girls for my laying flock. The others I probably will sell. I'm not planning on raising them, I have enough breeds already.

michelleml, I'm sorry about your husband, that's a hard thing to go through. I lost my 2nd husband in 1997 from lung cancer & kidney disease, he was 47 years old.
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Boy this humidity lately is just killing me. I have been trying to talk my DH into turning on the AC, but he is resisting. I may have to do it when he goes to work one of these days if I can't stand it any more. I've got to get out & try to mow this afternoon before it rains again, the grass has gotten away from me again. I need to just buy a couple of sheep & put them out in the yard. My DH I think is actually considering it, which kind of surprised me, he's usually not open to any more animals. I would get hair sheep if I got any, that way they don't have to be sheared. I let the goats out every day in the yard anyway, so the sheep could just come out with them & graze.

If you like something a bit different, you might consider Soay Sheep. sheep&FORM=CPNTLB&PC=CPNTDF&QS=n

They are small, so they are easier to handle. They are a hair sheep, but if you get a strain that has the right hair type, it can be used for fleece projects. The meat is not greasy and a young sheep will make a better size for two people without over loading a freezer. I have had some of them and could answer questions about them. I really like them.
I was looking at all the hoop coops you guys have posted since I am really interested in building a couple of them and now I've a question. Is the hog panel the same as feedlot panel? I was on the TSC website trying to see how much it costs. They don't list them as hog panel. They have feedlot panel instead. The one I was looking at was 16ft. L x 5 ft H. Is this the same thing?

No visible damage to our house that I could see but will be inspecting it carefully once I get home today. Just 1/2 block south of us was completely different. We had 4 power lines down. The street was blocked from traffic so Westar Energy can get the lines fixed. The 1 apartment just 1 block south of us looks like someone sprayed bullets on the sidings and windows shutters! A friend of ours who lives 1 block East of us has 3 windows busted, another friend just 1/2 block East of us has a tree down. We are grateful that we suffer no major damage.

michelleml - I'm sorry you and family are going through this. It is hard for me to imagine what you are going through. I'll continue to keep you in my thoughts.

Trish44 - Yes, I finally broke down and turned on the A/C on Saturday evening. The humidity is a killer! It reminds me why I like winter more than summer. Of course Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons, but I prefer winter over summer that's for sure. What's worst?? The chiller in the office was off because of the power outage. So when I got into the office this morning, it was 86F and I was sweating bullets! Argh... It takes several hours for it to cool the inside temp down!

Been out there mowing on Sunday. I don't like to mow in the heat and the humidity. I was telling DH that we need a bush hog. Or may be we will get a sheep, the kind we don't have to shear the coat. The warmth and rain help the grass grow fast! Can't even keep up with it!
If you like something a bit different, you might consider Soay Sheep. sheep&FORM=CPNTLB&PC=CPNTDF&QS=n

They are small, so they are easier to handle. They are a hair sheep, but if you get a strain that has the right hair type, it can be used for fleece projects. The meat is not greasy and a young sheep will make a better size for two people without over loading a freezer. I have had some of them and could answer questions about them. I really like them.

So do the Soay sheep shed like other hair sheep in the spring? I was wanting to avoid having to shear anything, that's just too much work or too expensive to have someone do it. Where do you find this kind of sheep to buy, I've never seen them for sale in this area.
Prayers for the people in Moore, OK. My son is out on the road, but said the town is just gone. He's out there driving a truck trying to get around the storms. I hope he stays safe, it worries me. He said they had some damage at their house & to their cars at his house in Del City, OK.
So do the Soay sheep shed like other hair sheep in the spring? I was wanting to avoid having to shear anything, that's just too much work or too expensive to have someone do it. Where do you find this kind of sheep to buy, I've never seen them for sale in this area.
There are not a lot of them in the middle of the country, but someone in SE Ks was selling some. I would talk to the main breeders in the PNW to see who they have sold to. There was a breeder in TX and the best two ewes I had went to someone in OK and the rest of the flock went to MO. There is another breeder in MO that I could find the name for. The man that does the exotic auctions might know of some.

Yes, they shed like other hair sheep. They do not have to be sheared. They will rub it off on fence posts or whatever. As a breed, they are thrifty to feed and are parasite resistant. Much easier to maintain. Remember if you have both goats and sheep (any breed), there are some basic mineral requirements that are different and have to be kept straight.
Prayers for the people in Moore, OK. My son is out on the road, but said the town is just gone. He's out there driving a truck trying to get around the storms. I hope he stays safe, it worries me. He said they had some damage at their house & to their cars at his house in Del City, OK.

X2. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families in Moore, OK. Trish, hope your son and his family are safe and sound. Tornado is just so damaging and it tends to devastate towns/cities when it spits its wrath across.


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