Consolidated Kansas

@Grain Gypsy and each of you, thanks for the warm welcome, and so nice to meet other clucker and quacker lovers like myself in the local area!! YAY!!!

Say, I have an abundance of Roos and Drakes. What/When/Where are the best sales, auctions, markets, etc for our feathered friends?

Right now you can only advertise and sell privately. Try some of the kansas poultry facebook pages or Craigslist.
And for how long? If the gov can restrict public sales events they can restrict private sales too when they decide they need to. This is an awful event for all of us whether you have birds or not.

In the above-mentioned thread, John bought hatching eggs that came from a large breeding operation. The Seller had sold to 37 different states and it became known that the seller has AI so the gov is tracking every sale. Because Johns eggs were still in the incubator the gov took the eggs and ordered his flock to be incinerated. It wasn't until after he got the media involved did his birds get a second chance at quarantine. (They had tested negative and yet they were going to be destroyed.)
I am suffering a case of the flu! I cannot even believe it. The body aches are horrific. Rather inconvenient time of the year for it but what're ya gonna do? I am able to keep fluids down so that's reassuring but I am one miserable old woman and doing a lot of sleeping. We've had quite a bit of rain and the plan was to open the pool this weekend, however... jury is out on that one. I don't normally open the pool anyway, DH and DK's handle that project. I sure hope it doesn't poor rain during our family reunion on the 27th.

The AI thing is very disconcerting. I am going to be very careful about biosecurity from here on out. I started not allowing anyone in the pen except family about a year ago but now, I think we need to step in a tray of TekTrol prior to entering and when exiting the chicken yard/pen area. I'm sure glad I'm not trying to start a flock this year with egg prices going up and hatching eggs being suspect. Seems like eggs and chicken may become a luxury.

Grain Gypsy, glad you're back!
My opinion is that while AI is a big issue, it is easier for me to breed a new flock than it is for me to breed distrust against my fellow Kansan chicken lover.

One confirmed case in a county adjacent to mine. I'm not worried, my friends even closer aren't worried(she had her flock checked after she was found to be in the yellow area around the confirmed case.
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As I said I wouldn't buy hatching eggs at this time or have birds shipped in. It's just not safe. But in the same token one must also consider the long term effects if people quit buying chickens all together. I for one am all for rules of no shipping of poultry and eggs. Simply because that exposure could exist. But like I said if you know your seller and know the birds are healthy you should feel safe getting birds from someone you know who practices some form of biosecurity.
Panic and hysteria will deepen the problem, not cure it.
I still say if they open the season year round to hunt migrating water fowl breeds it would end the problem. I don't expect another major breakout this fall from the Kansas line south. The southern states aren't really being affected, so when those birds migrate north this fall they shouldn't be a problem. But there will be further problems for the northern half of the nation. And then if Canada doesn't take some action to further euthanize those birds this winter there'll be another major epidemic again next spring.
I just hope people in general will be smart enough to have their flock tested immediately if they have a bird come down with any symptoms. Those people might ultimately loose their flock but they will prevent it infecting others.
One other thing I failed to mention earlier is please don't buy second hand poultry equipment. Feeders, waterers etc.
I disagree that chickens will become taboo or a luxury.
Combining the fact that millions of birds were culled due to AI, causing us to go into egg rationing, with the fact that a disgruntled chicken farmer tampered with the fans and suffocated millions more. There is almost no chance that less people will be buying chickens. Counties and Municipalities will have more instance of people requesting lenience in obtaining chickens where they were previously not allowed (food price is a hardship). It will be good and bad; more people will keep chickens, more people will do dangerous chicken keeping habits.
I don't think anyone said chickens would be taboo or a luxury. The only instance of that would be if the government stepped in and stopped the sale of chickens altogether. It might happen in some highly effected states but I don't see it happening in general. They are simply limiting exposed birds at this time. However they have already started shipping in millions of eating eggs from abroad. Just think how fresh those would be????
As I said the problem lies in poorly informed people who jump to conclusions. And there are some for sure. I certainly intend to keep my birds unless they would become infected. And I plan to do all I can to assure that doesn't happen.
I had also read that the worst effect of this whole thing is in processed foods that use eggs. It has already caused price hikes on some items by as much as 300%. If the last few days are an indication, people are going to want to buy more birds.
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@Grain Gypsy I have some disappointed 4Hers myself. We picked up some Barnevelders and two Lavender Orpingtons from @rvroman that they were very excited to show.

My oldest has decided to create an educational display, to enter in the fair, that explains why there are no birds at the fair this year and what chicken keepers can do to keep their flock safe. I think I will try to talk my youngest into a display of his own, maybe about the benefits of small scale chicken keeping or the egg cycle.

One of the Barred Rocks has been spending the day in the nesting bucket, I kind of hope she has decided to go broody. The chicks would be Black Sex link, which are not something I would go out of my way to hatch, but it would sure be nice to know right away how may are boys and how many are girls.
My opinion is that while AI is a big issue, it is easier for me to breed a new flock than it is for me to breed distrust against my fellow Kansan chicken lover.

It's easy to breed a new flock when you already have birds. I meant just starting from zero it would be an awkward time to do that, although there were still chicks at Atwoods a couple days ago. They had a sign "When they're gone, they're gone." But, I'm not sure what you meant by the last part of the sentence... breeding distrust against fellow chicken lovers? Just curious.

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