Consolidated Kansas

Crazy. I didn't even know Kansas had earthquakes! On a different note, does anybody know what Fibro-Melanistic chickens are? I was looking for colloncas because I want a wide variety of blue eggers and they seem neat, and someone suggested I join a Fibro-Melanistic Fowl group. Anybody?
I think black meat chickens, not sure.

A fair amount of Kansas is over a pretty decent fault. It is the Humboldt Fault. It runs through eastern Kansas and Nebraska. I guess some years back there were some pretty impressive earthquakes, but it has been quiet until all the fracking south of us an in Kansas.
I have used nipples for new chicks and ducks for a long time. I don't remember the last time I used a traditional waterer. Anyway, they figure it out very quickly and go to town on them. I usually buy the nipples in bulk to keep around.
I think black meat chickens, not sure.

A fair amount of Kansas is over a pretty decent fault. It is the Humboldt Fault. It runs through eastern Kansas and Nebraska. I guess some years back there were some pretty impressive earthquakes, but it has been quiet until all the fracking south of us an in Kansas.

Stupid fracking.
Are colloncas fibromelanistic??
I have used nipples for new chicks and ducks for a long time. I don't remember the last time I used a traditional waterer. Anyway, they figure it out very quickly and go to town on them. I usually buy the nipples in bulk to keep around.
Were these horizontal nipples or verticle nipples?
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Crazy. I didn't even know Kansas had earthquakes! On a different note, does anybody know what Fibro-Melanistic chickens are? I was looking for colloncas because I want a wide variety of blue eggers and they seem neat, and someone suggested I join a Fibro-Melanistic Fowl group. Anybody?

Colloncas are not fibro melanistic. I have no idea why someone would say that. Colloncas is simply another name for Araucanas. I raise Araucanas. Fibro melanistic are black skinned, black feathered black meated and black bones chickens. Silkies are fibro to the most extent, Ayam Cemanis are the most melanistic of the breeds but there are several. And I believe they actually lay a white egg. I have seen pictures indicating they lay a black egg as well but they are doctored photos.
The Araucana lay a nice blue egg.
Crazy. I didn't even know Kansas had earthquakes! On a different note, does anybody know what Fibro-Melanistic chickens are? I was looking for colloncas because I want a wide variety of blue eggers and they seem neat, and someone suggested I join a Fibro-Melanistic Fowl group. Anybody?

Yeah you're not looking for Fibro-Melanistic chickens, you just need a blue egg layer. If you just want them for eggs & not breeding you can get blue/green eggs from Easter Eggers & those are easy to find. I raise Ameraucanas in two colors & also Crested Cream Legbars but the latter are pricey just for eggs.

Ugh, it got really frosty out there yesterday evening, I'm not looking forward to this front coming in. I had to finally give up & pick up the hoses outside, so now I have to carry buckets around for water to my pens. I hate winter!
Huh, from what I had been reading collonca were not the same but are a south American relative? So Auracanas don't have rumps? Back to the books I guess!

Edit: I have two Easter eggers currently and some CC Legbars in the incubator. Due thanksgiving day. My pops also has an auracana roo from@sharol that we might borrow for breeding next year.
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Huh, from what I had been reading collonca were not the same but are a south American relative? So Auracanas don't have rumps? Back to the books I guess!

Edit: I have two Easter eggers currently and some CC Legbars in the incubator. Due thanksgiving day. My pops also has an auracana roo from@sharol that we might borrow for breeding next year.
Glad he is doing well.

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