Consolidated Kansas

Yep! They call those a dust storm!
We got some snow during the night but I think most of it ended up blowing to the next
As we received about an inch of rain the night before, we had no dust, but there wasn't any water in the mud puddles either.
We did too Ralph. Maybe it was a delayed blizzard. Timing was off the rain got here before it froze and got blown around in 30 MPH horizontal winds. At any rate it just took the wind out of my sails. I feel like I really need a day off after yesterday. It was so cold. I had to shovel the feed off the truck and of course must have lost 1/3 of it to the wind. And at least half of that seemed to go up my nose. Yuk!
It's weather like this I could really use a break from the birds. I could really use a day off.
My DH said he got way more eggs yesterday for some reason. We'll see if that continues or if it was just a fluke. The groundhog said we're having an early spring, I sure hope he's right. I wouldn't mind that one bit!
Sorry @chicken danz - I remember meeting her last time we were out at your place.

I have all 12 of my babies on one nipple. They seem to be doing great. Should they have access to two water nipples or do you think one is enough?

Now I'm wishing I had a Sweeter Heater. My EcoGlow is doing fine, but I really don't like having to worry about it. Oh well, hopefully it will break soon. :) Maybe if I keep adjusting the height without using a screw-driver it will wear out quicker.
Sorry @chicken danz - I remember meeting her last time we were out at your place.

I have all 12 of my babies on one nipple. They seem to be doing great. Should they have access to two water nipples or do you think one is enough?

Now I'm wishing I had a Sweeter Heater. My EcoGlow is doing fine, but I really don't like having to worry about it. Oh well, hopefully it will break soon. :) Maybe if I keep adjusting the height without using a screw-driver it will wear out quicker.
LOL That's a little expensive to break right away. Maybe in the future. I've never used nipples for babies so I really can't advise you on that. I had such lousy luck with them leaking when I used them for older birds I never tried them with babies. It's so hard to keep bedding dry anyway.
One Wing is actually doing better. Still very congested but I'm giving her shots, running a vaporizer etc. She is up and running around now but not like before. I'm not giving up yet. I keep thinking if I would let her die it would solve a lot of problems, i.e. a chicken in the house, but she is such a special pet I can't give up. I think she may be using her illness to become even more spoiled than she already is.
One of the things I really like about the nipples is that it keeps their water clean. I had such issues with cocci last year that I'm a bit paranoid. With them drinking from the nipple, no contamination in their water - it's great!! And, it does drip a bit but I just put a little clay dish under it to catch the water. I actually like that it drips a bit as it makes it easy for them to learn where/how to drink from it.
Hi everyone! Been watching my white pea and I'm starting to wonder is he is a she?!! Can anyone help me out?



I'm so stoked, my silkies are laying, my SS hen, at least one of my Ameraucanas and a BCM (sadly her eggs are too light to consider using her for breeding). I'm getting excited for spring and hatching out babies. Crossing fingers my peahen will think about laying and hatching out some peachicks even tho I know it's not very likely.
What are the Kansas/federal laws concerning egg sales?

I know they have to be clean, but what about the cartons? Can I use used clean cartons or do I have to buy new ones?

Just thinking out loud but I have a friend who sells stuff at our local farmers' market, and she would like to sell a few eggs for me this spring and summer when I'm getting enough to sell.
One of the things I really like about the nipples is that it keeps their water clean. I had such issues with cocci last year that I'm a bit paranoid. With them drinking from the nipple, no contamination in their water - it's great!! And, it does drip a bit but I just put a little clay dish under it to catch the water. I actually like that it drips a bit as it makes it easy for them to learn where/how to drink from it.
Well that's good that you have a dish underneath so the shavings don't get wet, that is where you run into problems with disease is the wet shavings. I hate having such messy waterers myself. I may have to try to rig up something different this year as well but I have way more chicks than you will hatching for other people.

What are the Kansas/federal laws concerning egg sales?

I know they have to be clean, but what about the cartons? Can I use used clean cartons or do I have to buy new ones?

Just thinking out loud but I have a friend who sells stuff at our local farmers' market, and she would like to sell a few eggs for me this spring and summer when I'm getting enough to sell.

sharol here is the link for gov. info on egg sales:

Selling to individuals from your home is different than taking the eggs to a farmer's market, the rules are different. The way I understand it is that you could use clean cartons if you put labels on the outside showing where they came from & marked out the store brand. Otherwise you would have to buy new unbranded cartons.
Thank you so much, Trish. That is exactly what I was looking for. With my 25 hens, I'll only have a few dozen a week to sell, if that, so it looks pretty straight forward.

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