Consolidated Kansas

very nice!
WORK ! WORK ! WORK ! seems it never ends.
Ripped out my floor today in the house to get ready for carpet
still have half to remove
built my out house style bathroom door just need a half moon shape cut in it
Got four cords of fire wood brought to the house now I have to unload and stack it
Sold a few Red Golden Pheasants to a very nice couple today they might join one of our Kansas threads

Now I think it is time for some carbonated adult beverages and some of my buddies wife's Meatloaf, and scalped tater's
What a busy weekend
Had to fix my lawn mower because my neighbor neglected to tell me he borrowed it and didn't tell me he had damaged it
oh and it was out of gas THANKS YA JACK WAGON

On a good note I got some chain link fence from the buddy I have been helping since the Tornado. I spent half the day putting up fence. Now I feel a little safer letting the chickens out, I also think I might go ahead and keep them now because they are more protected, although I still need about 150ft of fence, but they are capped off fairly well.

Man I have been busy .

I haven't even began to look at unloading the fire wood yet SCARY

Oh BTW ......... I have about 10 new baby squab

Sounds like me. In the last few weeks I've processed my meaties, got 2 poults, weeded the garden, planted more, reinforced the fence trying to keep my leghorns in (they are irritating me), got a broody, picked up hatching eggs, sold some of my eggs finally, got a roo, redoing the tractor so my babies and momma can go in when they hatch, mowed, raked up the grass for the run, cleaned the coop, etc. All while its hot as hell out and have been taking care of my 3 kids by myself and hubby since he has a broken leg and is playing it up sitting in bed. I am worn out. And my house is a mess, still have to clean it tonight.

**edited for language. Please do not bypass the censor**
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I hear ya. Yesterday I meant to spend all day in the garden that needs my attention so bad, but ended up snake-proofing the chicken coop instead.
If those darn guineas had just kept their mouths shut, those big ol' black snakes would never have come sniffing around. At least I caught them in the act before they figured anything out. They were pretty fine specimens of black snake though. I wish them many happy RAT dinners.
You know snakes are deaf right? (They don't have ears). So it is very unlikely the guineas "called" attention to themselves. Snakes have an organ called a Jacobson's organ that allows them to kind of smell/taste the air and most likely that is how they became aware of the chickens....
They can hear, just not quite like you and I do. My coop is made of stone and built into the ground. Those vibrations wouldn't have to travel far before reaching prime snake habitat. It could be a coincidence they showed up the night the guineas moved out, but it took them long enough to figure out. The chickens have been out there for over a week, and they only get loud if I show up without food for them.

At least they settle down quickly. No snakes today.
I'm still trying to get a small flock of free range guineas. I have a pair of older guineas in a pen, and I've been trying to hatch eggs. I had one lonely little keat out of the last hatch. I have about a dozen eggs in the incubator right now, so hopefully I will get a better hatch this time. I haven't had the older pair very long, and I've always heard that if you turn them loose they end up running off with the wild turkeys or just plain running off. I've got one guinea ranging loose. It is a hen that had been in with the other pair, but she got pecked severely so I turned her loose. I wasn't even sure she would survive. She seems to be doing okay now, though. She does tend to stay close to the pen where the other two are.

I haven't been getting too many eggs out of that pen lately. I know there is a huge black snake that lives out there somewhere. We saw him when we were cleaning up old block from the barn that blew down. I hope he isn't getting the eggs before we do!
If you get your guineas when they are young and they get used to you they will most likely free range. The problem with free ranging is that they prefer to roost in trees rather than go back to their given pen. And that in itself makes them more vulnerable to predators. As far as running off, it should take a couple of months with young gunineas before they are ready to stay home. I have lots of keets if you need more.
The pair I have in the pen were older when I got them a couple months ago. We will see how this hatch goes. I have about a dozen in the incubator right now. I am hoping I have a good hatch, and I think I will.... as long as we don't have another power outage. If I don't get a good hatch, I may take you up on some of those keets.

What colors do you have? I have two lavenders and a white one. The ONE that hatched is a pearl.

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