Consolidated Kansas

Hang in there everybody! What gets done, gets done, and that's going to have to do! Good luck with your Mom's decorating, Danz. I put up a little tree in my mom's hospital room, and my kids strung lights around the room. She's in a lot of pain, and it's really tough to feel so helpless, but at least we're there to hold her hand. I need to get back up there and give Dad a break. My daughter and her husband just left to go to Iowa to see his family, DH is leaving tomorrow to see his family in Nebraska, so we're really all finished with Christmas, except for my brother's family. It's depressing, but a relief at the same time.
So sitting around at the hospital, I finished up another outfit for my little frizzle. I decided her comb was decorative enough, so I didn't make a hat or anything. My kids think it's the most ridiculous thing ever, and are having concerns about my sanity, but who cares?
Here's Danni. She was perfectly calm and cooperative!!

OMGosh!!! THIS is the apron I need to make!! I LOVE it! I LOVE it!! What a great picture! I think so far, this is the best! Eh, let them question your sanity- you can say if you're crazy, then everyone else you know with chickens is TOO!! LOL!! I'm guessing most people don't go around dressing up their chickens. But then, they aren't having much fun, are they??

Danz, sorry about starting off with the added stress. I know you'll feel better once you get your mom's tree up. BUT... aren't you not supposed to be lifting heavy things after your own spinal surgery??! Can you sweet talk your DH into coming? I hope you still manage to get everything done.

Hello Renee!

Going to see if I can put a round bale of hay out this morning. The ground is frozen and I hope our tractor will stay above the ground and not sink in.
Hawkeye you are right. It is impossible to keep a hat on a chicken. I put an elastic band on mine thinking it would hold it on but she just shook her head until she knocked it off. So like you I just held it above her head.
I had a heck of a time. The scarf and gloves kept slipping around her neck and the feet kept going sideways. I was trying to make her into an elf.
So here is what I've done so far today. My Christmas chicken elf:

Frizzle that is beautiful. I can't believe how talented you are. I did mine with a glue gun only and a few pieces of velcro. Darn chicken just wasn't happy at all! No Christmas tree to put her in front of either!
OK I found a much more cooperative chicken to dress. I left the apron on the white chicken to protect her back but the rest of the outfit is on this super cooperative bird.
Danz, your "cooperative chicken" looks great in your chicken togs! That outfit is sooo cute! (and so funny!!)

Well I'm back inside. The tractor didn't want to start, the battery is dead. I've sweet talked my Dh into going out there and giving it a jump. The front of the tractor has to be lifted off to get to the battery and unless I have no other options, that is something I don't want to do! It's something I'd probably do if it were a lot warmer and I had a lot of time to rig up something to stand on and a good way to hold it up. I played the "i'm so pitiful and weak and girlie" card. *snicker*
My day is off to a grand start. I got in the incubator to get a couple more chicks that hatched out. Naturally they jumped out of the tray and got clear into the bottom back. I had to take the racks out and reach in. When I did, I hit my head on the metal tracks and cut it open. Now I have blood running down my head! Worse than that it really hurt. I have done that so many times but this is the first time I cut it bad enough to bleed.
My DH is working today 6:00 am to 7:30 PM so I can't get help from him or I'd be playing that pity me card. He has to work that all the way through until Monday so his Christmas is going to be pretty awful. I did that myself for years so I so understand how depressing that can be. On the flip side My siblings and I are all going to my Mom and Dad's for a soup dinner on Christmas day. I'll be the odd man out. Everyone else will have a spouse there.
No I shouldn't be lifting that heavy stuff at my Mom's after spinal surgery but I guess it is something I have to do. It will probably upset my parents that my sister didn't come to do it because they worry I do too much to hurt myself already. But I just can't let my Mom and Dad down.
I love the chickens outfits hahaha, they are so cute! Good job everybody! Well we can't get our granddaughter's mother to respond to texts so we don't know when we'll get to see the girls for Christmas & give them their gifts. I hate being treated that way, but it's nothing new. I guess when she gets through Christmas with all of her family she will finally tell is when we can see our granddaughter. It's going to be kind of a sad Christmas this year because my son can't make it. He just got a new job & doesn't have enough time off to come, so it looks like it will just be the Grinch & me.

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