Consolidated Kansas

UGH.. I'm super busy today, but my DH just HAD to use the tractor today. I begged him to wait another week but noooooooo.. He's out in the back and hooking up the discs. So anyway, there are baby birds in the tractor! He was pulling out the nesting even though he can hear them screeching in there! He had one fall out! And then he left it in the grass under the tractor!!!! I came out and nearly stepped on it and only stopped because I was baffled why there was chirping in the grass. I picked it up and gathered up the nesting and put everything in a bucket. Then I told him he HAD to unscrew the siding of the tractor off and get out the other babies. Well, there was only one more in there. So I got it out and he's promised to put it all back when he's done and we'll stick the babies back in there. Geez! I'm a little riled up over that. The babies are out there crying and I'm sure I've seen mama bird out there squawking at us. What a mess.

Josie, congrats on all the chicks and eggs! Sounds like a handful you are getting there. I like your wildflower garden bed idea over the boys. That is nice.
Oh no Hawkeye! Sometimes you can put the babies in a basket and hang them from somewhere safer and the mom will come back to them where you put them. We had a nest of robins at the clinic that got knocked out of a tree during pruning so I put them in a small kids sand pail with a bunch of shavings and hay and the mom came back and took care of them. Good luck!
Oh no Hawkeye! Sometimes you can put the babies in a basket and hang them from somewhere safer and the mom will come back to them where you put them. We had a nest of robins at the clinic that got knocked out of a tree during pruning so I put them in a small kids sand pail with a bunch of shavings and hay and the mom came back and took care of them. Good luck!
Well I did stick them and the nest into a bucket and then I brought the tractor back up to the spot it was and hooked the bucket onto the tractor and waited for my DH to come out and put the door back on the spot where they came out. We got the nest and the babies back into the tractor where they were. So I hope mama bird comes back and takes care of them! I swear, I don't know what was so all fire important to potentially kill these babies.
That's really sweet that you cared enough to take care of the birds, Hawkeye. Too many people would just let them die. Well DH left for Emporia late this afternoon and I finally got busy. I was going to lay down and take a nap and Slippery Hill Daren called and said he and Duck were coming down Friday and ready to buy some stuff. We chatted a while. I was ready to move again by then so I got busy emptying and cleaning out an aquarium. I had one lonely fish in there and he finally died. So after hauling out water and cleaning it up I had to mop the bathroom floor and the hall floor where it had been sitting. It took quite a while to clean up that mess. Then I headed to the front room and dusted and swept and tried to clean up, etc etc. One of these days I'll get this place clean again. Worst part is I'm so far behind in cleaning it will take a lot more before it is even noticeable I've done anything. I need to spend about a week just in my basement alone.
I was going to work in the trailer but it was just too darned hot out there. I put a bunch of water on the garden. So it really should rain now!!
I loaded a bunch more duck and guinea eggs into the incubator today. I'd really like to take a break from hatching for a while but I keep getting eggs and of course I hope to make some money from them.
Well I did stick them and the nest into a bucket and then I brought the tractor back up to the spot it was and hooked the bucket onto the tractor and waited for my DH to come out and put the door back on the spot where they came out. We got the nest and the babies back into the tractor where they were. So I hope mama bird comes back and takes care of them! I swear, I don't know what was so all fire important to potentially kill these babies.
Ohh, good. I am sure they will be fine and mom will come back. So sweet of you to rescue them! Men, sometimes they get one darn thing in their head and they are so stubborn that they can't see why they shouldn't do it! When my DH does stuff like that he can't understand why I am cranky at him for the next 24 hours but if he would just listen to me and hear me out it would save us all a world of trouble!!
With two total knees, I don't run worth a hoot, so I hollered at my DH and by the time we got back out, Runt and Britt were headed back this way and they brought Bella back with them.
Okay Ivy - question for you. I'm 4 weeks into bilateral total knees, so how long do I have to wait before I CAN run again? Doctor said I could play ball again someday if I let him do this, and though it's tempting that wasn't my reason for finally getting them done. HowEVER, I do have some little grandsons that I promised a race or two when I'm healed. Just curious how long they might have to wait for that race. Therapist kicked my butt the other day, putting me on the machines. She says I'm past what she usually has to do for total knees - around here most folks are just happy to be walking again - I fully intend to do more!

Still recuperating at my mom's, and enjoying spending time with her. We make the 6 block trip to my house a few times a day to water everything and take care of the animals. She is enjoying the chickens as much as I do - maybe more. She said her mom would never let them hatch chicks - they always just bought new ones every spring and immediately culled any roosters or broodies.

Nellie is a pretty good mama, even though my grandson says she will someday realize it's not "her baby." We have no idea what we got out of that little blue-green egg, but here they are: Mama Nellie and Winnie. Thoughts anyone?
Okay Ivy - question for you. I'm 4 weeks into bilateral total knees, so how long do I have to wait before I CAN run again? Doctor said I could play ball again someday if I let him do this, and though it's tempting that wasn't my reason for finally getting them done. HowEVER, I do have some little grandsons that I promised a race or two when I'm healed. Just curious how long they might have to wait for that race. Therapist kicked my butt the other day, putting me on the machines. She says I'm past what she usually has to do for total knees - around here most folks are just happy to be walking again - I fully intend to do more!

Still recuperating at my mom's, and enjoying spending time with her. We make the 6 block trip to my house a few times a day to water everything and take care of the animals. She is enjoying the chickens as much as I do - maybe more. She said her mom would never let them hatch chicks - they always just bought new ones every spring and immediately culled any roosters or broodies.

Nellie is a pretty good mama, even though my grandson says she will someday realize it's not "her baby." We have no idea what we got out of that little blue-green egg, but here they are: Mama Nellie and Winnie. Thoughts anyone?
I don't really know. Everyone is different, but I was pretty well healed up at 6 weeks. I suppose I could run a race if I had a mind to!
I'm wondering how long it will be before I have to have my knees worked on. They are really giving me fits right now. Darned arthritis any way.
So on the weather last night they were talking severe storms today and I just checked the weather here and it is supposed to be sunny. That just bites. I swear if I drop in one of these cracks I will be up to my hips in it.
Anyone got any rockets or anything they can shoot into the clouds to make it rain??
I'm wondering how long it will be before I have to have my knees worked on. They are really giving me fits right now. Darned arthritis any way.
So on the weather last night they were talking severe storms today and I just checked the weather here and it is supposed to be sunny. That just bites. I swear if I drop in one of these cracks I will be up to my hips in it.
Anyone got any rockets or anything they can shoot into the clouds to make it rain??

Oh Danz - I hope you don't wait as long as I did! I kept fighting work comp to help pay for mine. Post office challenged me for 6 years while I continued to walk 12-15 miles a day! They insisted that I never proved a "causal relationship" even though I walked a mail route for 16 years! My fear was the co-pays and deductibles we might be hit with, but it looks like my insurance will be more help than I thought.

By the time I finally gave up the fight, there was absolutely no cartilage in either knee. At least now there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Good luck - I know that pain!
That's really sweet that you cared enough to take care of the birds, Hawkeye. Too many people would just let them die. Well DH left for Emporia late this afternoon and I finally got busy. I was going to lay down and take a nap and Slippery Hill Daren called and said he and Duck were coming down Friday and ready to buy some stuff. We chatted a while. I was ready to move again by then so I got busy emptying and cleaning out an aquarium. I had one lonely fish in there and he finally died. So after hauling out water and cleaning it up I had to mop the bathroom floor and the hall floor where it had been sitting. It took quite a while to clean up that mess. Then I headed to the front room and dusted and swept and tried to clean up, etc etc. One of these days I'll get this place clean again. Worst part is I'm so far behind in cleaning it will take a lot more before it is even noticeable I've done anything. I need to spend about a week just in my basement alone.
I was going to work in the trailer but it was just too darned hot out there. I put a bunch of water on the garden. So it really should rain now!!
I loaded a bunch more duck and guinea eggs into the incubator today. I'd really like to take a break from hatching for a while but I keep getting eggs and of course I hope to make some money from them.
OH, that's great you are going to see Daren and Duck! Tell them hello for me! Are they wanting waterfowl or pigeons? Seems like he really likes those the most. As for cleaning, I really have to set aside some time and tackle one thing at a time. I don't say to myself "I'm cleaning the HOUSE!". I tell myself, today, I'm cleaning a bathroom. So I just work half the morning just doing that. I have 3 full baths--- so rotating those around and doing one each week keeps me busy for sure. (I do spot cleaning in between because the kids are a disaster in the hall bath) Then I just try to keep the kitchen in order each day-- that is HARD! The Littles are always coming in and grabbing out plastic cups and by the end of the day, I must have like 10 cups sitting around everywhere because they don't remember what cup they used before. I've even bought them each their own cup-- a Spiderman, a SpongeBob, and a Princess. It's hard to stay on top of things around here. I try to do a load or two a day of laundry. So I do laundry every single day. Bleah. But if I didn't this place would be a war zone. The floors here are all wood, so as a mess occurs, I clean it, but they still need a good going over with a damp mop and I only do that every now and then-- probably once every two weeks. I need to do it more, but I find myself burried in everything else. ha! Anyway, just do one room (or job) a day and call it quits. No point in killing yourself over it.
Ohh, good. I am sure they will be fine and mom will come back. So sweet of you to rescue them! Men, sometimes they get one darn thing in their head and they are so stubborn that they can't see why they shouldn't do it! When my DH does stuff like that he can't understand why I am cranky at him for the next 24 hours but if he would just listen to me and hear me out it would save us all a world of trouble!!
Mama bird did come back!!! I checked this morning to see if I could hear chirping, and I saw mama bird fly in and out several times this morning when I was wathcing from the window. I went out there and tapped on the tractor and they started screeching. Thank goodness! And YES-- why do men have to be like that? And what on earth was my DH thinking leaving a baby on the ground?? It had no feathers, no open eyes... I mean... Hello??! You sound like me! ha!

Still recuperating at my mom's, and enjoying spending time with her. We make the 6 block trip to my house a few times a day to water everything and take care of the animals. She is enjoying the chickens as much as I do - maybe more. She said her mom would never let them hatch chicks - they always just bought new ones every spring and immediately culled any roosters or broodies.

Nellie is a pretty good mama, even though my grandson says she will someday realize it's not "her baby." We have no idea what we got out of that little blue-green egg, but here they are: Mama Nellie and Winnie. Thoughts anyone?
Sounds like you are doing great on your recovery!! I hope you feel better than ever after you are all healed up. Your chick is adorable and I'm really glad your mom is enjoying the chicks and the working with the chickens. Great to see you on here, too. :)

I'm wondering how long it will be before I have to have my knees worked on. They are really giving me fits right now. Darned arthritis any way.
So on the weather last night they were talking severe storms today and I just checked the weather here and it is supposed to be sunny. That just bites. I swear if I drop in one of these cracks I will be up to my hips in it.
Anyone got any rockets or anything they can shoot into the clouds to make it rain??
We have a lot of cracks here too, and I know we've gotten more rain than you have. I'm having to water my trees and shrubs every day out here. They dry up so fast. I know it'll be a lot easier when the trees actually start giving some shade, and keep the yard a bit cooler.

I've been outside all morning so far. Came in for a bit of a break.

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