Consolidated Kansas

Medwinks, those pictures are great. I especially like the Orp eyeballing the little dog. I think I know who'd win that fight!
OH!! and good news!! I had several chicks last night with the cute little sneezing and crackly lungs. (no drainage, no eye weeping, nothing like that) Anyway, I haven't gotten the Denagard in yet-- it's being shipped. But I think the Duramycin must have worked on the little buggers, because only TWO are still sneezing with crackly lungs. So I'm feeling MUCH better. Whatever the heck they got-- it didn't last long and wasn't too serious. I was preparing for the worst! Last winter really made me jumpy!! LOL I wouldn't have bought the expensive stuff if I'd known this would kick in like this. But at least I'll have it on hand if anything else happens later on. I wonder what kind of illness/disease only lasts a couple of days with minimal symptoms. Anyway, I'm relieved. I hope the two that are still sneezing feel better soon. I'm sure it helps that they are on chick feed which does not contain the amount of calcium that layer feed does. I wonder if that could be why it worked so fast? My experience with this stuff has been very poor and no help at all with respiratory illness.

I was going to congratulate you, but I see later on that you're not sure it worked that well. I hope it does soon. I hate to jinx myself by saying we've not had any respiratory problems, or really any problems at all since the Mysterious Chicken Deaths a couple of years ago. I'm so glad we haven't, but I sure know where to go for advice if we do.

So, funny story for anyone interested. We butchered a bunch of roos this weekend and I was bringing them up in a carrier and setting them in the shade and we would go and get each bird as we were ready to process it. I was on a roll plucking a bird and DH says I can get the last one out of the carrier. I said ok, just be careful because he is quick. He walks around the corner and I hear the carrier door open and a scream and flapping and then DH says a bad word. He comes around the corner with a sheepish look on his face and I can hear the roo running and screaming back to the backyard. He says "I'm really sorry, it got away from me." I laughed so hard and told him I guess that one was pardoned from being butchered today. It is a little tiny serama cochin cross (product of stealthy broody serama hens) and it had moved in with the big girls several days ago. When we went back he had run all the way back to the pens and jumped back in with the girls! I figured I don't have a roo in there with them right now so they can probably handle him!

Here he is:

Silkie/cochin pullets

What naughty LGD puppies do on their time off...

What? This bag of trash was already over here, I'm not chewing on garbage. No, no you misunderstand. I am just inspecting it for safety purposes....

That roo deserves a reprieve; he really fought for it!

The dog I grew up with, a Weimeraner, used to get into the trash now and then. Unlike yours, he never tried to pretend nothing was going on. He gave himself away by slinking around and acting guilty before we ever even saw what he'd done. Yours has a wonderful combination of innocence and defiance on his face!

Cool!!! More new eggs!!! I can't wait till mine start laying . Congrats everyone with new eggs!!!! ! Zucchini bread sounds like a great idea. We have some of Bloom's (our only laying bird- a silkie) eggs that I had been saving for an omelette. I may be a copycat and use some of our garden zucchini too :)
Thanks, Hawkeye! The little crackles and swollen shut eyes are what we had here. Just 2 got sick and they were chicks I brought home from Orschelens, but I hand fed them for almost 2 weeks and wasn't sure they would make it. One was the white silkie we have and the other was a salmon Favarolle pullet. The pullet didn't make it, but the silkie did. It is now almost 4 months old and I pray it is a pullet. I can't figure this Silkie gender thing out at all....
The sweet little red silkie us my Sera's buddy. She carries that bird everywhere. Danz thought she was a pullet. Our Bloom has a big reddish black comb, however and looks nothing like her or our other silkies. She is friendly to everyone, where as the others only like to be held on their own terms.... I want my splash to be a pullet too. I just love all the poofs it has... It is now getting a bit of a bulge on its comb but it is nothing like Bloom's.

The cochin is really a sweetie. If it does crow, I may try to cage it inside.... Don't know. It is too tiny to consider selling it to anyone to eat.
I guess we will know when they crow or lay that egg :)
On a side note, my Sera was amused with my taking pics of the chickens faces. Asked if they needed surgery too:)

If they did, she wants her "magic doctor" to help them. I have said that I think he has magic fingers:)

That is an incredibe closeup of a chicken face; I love it! I'm glad Sera has a magic doctor; who could do a better job than one of those?

JosieChick, LOL! I have never heard of "sneaky broodies" who manage to conceal eggs until they contain big swimming embryos! You cracked me up! They sound like something a friend of mine calls a "fake dog". A "fake dog" is a clever dog that runs out into the street, limping pathetically so people won't run over it. As soon as it makes it to the other side, the limp disappears and they are happily on their way. This friend swears they've seen it time and again. LOL! I guess I just don't watch closely enough to spot any fake dogs. But I don't doubt that either sneaky broodies or fake dogs exist!

The same dog I referenced above would do a fake limp, too. If he was in trouble and my mom or dad was pointing a finger at him and giving him the what-for, he'd start limping around. My brother and would feel sorry for him and start hugging him and miraculously, he'd jump up and run off to play with us and the limp would be completely gone. Some of these dogs are real evil geniuses!
KarenS, sorry the GP didn't work out, I had my fingers crossed for you. I can understand though to a point, it is another responsibility. It sounds like your DH is trying to make the chicken enclosures more secure though, I hope it works. Once a predator gets a taste of what they can have they tend to come back to get some more. My next door neighbor to the east of us left his chickens outside 24/7 & was just feeding the coyotes & foxes, very well actually. Last winter they were down to about 6 chickens when the wife decided it was time to find something to lock them up in at night & found a little coop someone had on Craigslist. I don't think they have lost any more hens since then & now we have the GPs to run off the predators for both of us. I had told her when I went over to talk to them about the new pups that when they were old enough to do their job they would probably protect their animals & birds too, they kind of liked that idea.

Hawkeye, I hope that antibiotic gets here fast for you.

I got up earlier today to try to get out & paint my floor on the new coop while my DH starts building the wall. He finally got the program to work on the computer to draw out the design for him with dimensions so he is happier about that. My drawings just weren't good enough because they didn't show dimensions well enough for him. Whatever makes him happy & gets him building right?

Well it looks like it's building up day by day to get hotter & hotter by the end of the week until it's 109, ugh, here we go again with the misters & all of that. It was nice for a few days anyway to not be above 100, so much for that. You all try to stay cool & be careful out there!
Hawkeye- Bummer about your chicks. Hope they feel better soon! I think the silly puppy is quite proud of her garbage and only looks sheepish when I catch her dragging it around the yard. She loves to find stuff and drag it around and chew it to shreds. Last night she had a piece of cardboard she was ripping to pieces. Sigh. The place looks like a bomb when off. DH got really mad at my precious geese the other day and chased them back to their pen because "they were tearing melon vines out of the garden!" So he got scolded for harassing my geese and I told him my geese can do whatever they want and I didn't think it was them anyway because they have never bothered the garden before. Well lo and behold the next day guess who is carrying a big old melon and vine across the backyard? The darn puppy!!! I swear, everyone gets in trouble and its always her that did it. Stinker.

The silkie/cochins are kinda weird looking little birds but they are kind of cute in their own way. I am really hoping they will broody nuts like their mommas! They have the worst of both worlds, the kinda crazy, spastic nature of the silkies but they can see so they run around and scream a lot more and those terrible bunny tails, any decent cochin breeder would be ashamed of those...But, they were an accident! And, the blue coloring on the one pullet is actually really nice. They are good for people who don't want the full blown silkie thing but want a broody. I love my cochins too, they are super sweet and less ditzy than my silkies. Hey let me know if you have a roo for sale this fall and any pullets not worthy of your pen. I need a boy that doesn't have a bad attitude and isn't the size of a small house!

Medawinks- I don't know on that cochin, I am gonna say roo because of those huge wattles but I have seen pullets with big red combs like that when they are from a hatchery. I will snap a few pics of my babies this afternoon for you to compare. They are only 2-3 months old but it will give you something to compare to. I would say with the outgoing nature that is more boy behavior, the girls get friendlier after they start laying. I would expect if it were a pullet for it to start soon, my girls usually start around 5 months of age. I am just shocked that it hasn't crowed yet because my boys usually start trying at 6 weeks! That big round soft girly eye is throwing me off though! Boys usually really have a sharper looking eye.

Karen-Those screen doors sound fabulous! I have a screen door on on of my coops and I love it, lets all the air in but keeps naughty night time creatures out!

My little pea chicks were pecking at bugs last night around their light. It was really cute. They kinda seem a little less afraid of me. I have this one poor jersey giant chick that is a dwarf I think. The rest of the chicks are all getting huge and this one still looks like its a week old? Does anyone know what causes that? Is it a metabolic thing and it will die or is it genetic and it will just be tiny? So strange. Have to run out and get pics of my goslings. I think at least one of the is developing angel wing. They kept getting into the cat food in the garage. Ugh!
Standard poodles may look like sissy dogs, but when they stand at the door and bark a low bark similar to what you describe the GP bark to be- they are just what I need :) No shedding, no need to roam, and happy to just take a walk around the block :) If they didn't think my birds were toys to be played with and also protected them as well as they do my kids and I - they would be perfect, but they are family:)
Standard poodles are one of my favorite breeds of dog! When I worked as a vet tech, a couple of our clients had them and I always enjoyed when they brought them in to see us. I've always thought one day I might get one but it won't be for awhile since the addition of Tory brings us up to three and two of them are under two years old.

My first EE egg! It's really tiny. Dorothy or New Sophia finally started laying, which means the other should also be laying soon. Blanche and Rose are a couple of months younger, so we have a while yet with them. We're starting to get a few more eggs a week from the older hens, too, so I actually used a few today to make zucchini muffins instead of saving them for weekend brunch!

And here's a picture of Stan and Doug, my niece's ducks. It was taken a couple of weeks ago, after she came back from camp and reclaimed them from me! They have a smaller wading pool in their duck yard. When my SIL emptied and cleaned last week, she moved it to a different spot a couple of feet away and they couldn't find it until she put them in it. The duck yard is pretty small; it shouldn't have been that confusing.

Congrats on the egg - zucchini anything sounds great. I used to make zucchini pancakes when my kids were little and they loved them and asked for more every day. It felt so good to be feeding them pancakes made from zucchini from my garden, eggs from my chooks, and then just half a cup of whole grain flour, and a little cheese.

Those ducks are adorable and the pool so lovely and clean. Let me guess - it didn't stay that way long, right? It seems like getting in water is what uncorks my muscovies and they clean out while they are swimming.....

So, funny story for anyone interested. We butchered a bunch of roos this weekend and I was bringing them up in a carrier and setting them in the shade and we would go and get each bird as we were ready to process it. I was on a roll plucking a bird and DH says I can get the last one out of the carrier. I said ok, just be careful because he is quick. He walks around the corner and I hear the carrier door open and a scream and flapping and then DH says a bad word. He comes around the corner with a sheepish look on his face and I can hear the roo running and screaming back to the backyard. He says "I'm really sorry, it got away from me." I laughed so hard and told him I guess that one was pardoned from being butchered today. It is a little tiny serama cochin cross (product of stealthy broody serama hens) and it had moved in with the big girls several days ago. When we went back he had run all the way back to the pens and jumped back in with the girls! I figured I don't have a roo in there with them right now so they can probably handle him!

Here he is:

Silkie/cochin pullets

What naughty LGD puppies do on their time off...

What? This bag of trash was already over here, I'm not chewing on garbage. No, no you misunderstand. I am just inspecting it for safety purposes....
That is a hilarious story about the roo - I guess he earned himself a second chance, huh? Naughty Lucie, but thank you for sharing the photo. Our dogs found a deer leg overnight and Sammie and Tory were taking turns with it. Not exactly sharing nicely, but no fights either. As soon as one got up to take a break, the other would snag it and have a turn. It looked pretty fresh - I don't know where they found it.

The silkie/cochins are actually really pretty, I think. Although I like the silkie feathering, I felt sorry for my boys with the big crests that inhibited their vision so that cross looks like a good combination.

....Instead we went to work building my hardware cloth screen doors to go on the inside of the double doors to the hen house so that I can leave the doors open safely. I've also made sure to put all the birds that aren't inside the coop, in a breeder pen at night. So far, so good! I'm really happy with how the screen doors are turning out. He has one side done and just screwed into place until he gets the other finished and then both hung on hinges with latches to keep them closed. The right side door closes and locks into place separately from the left, so the left side is where he screwed the first door into place. I'm feeling so much better about their safety. DH is going to reinforce the breeder pens to make sure they will withstand a coyote or fox attach and to keep them from digging under. Will take pics as he finishes them.

JosieChick, LOL! I have never heard of "sneaky broodies" who manage to conceal eggs until they contain big swimming embryos! You cracked me up! They sound like something a friend of mine calls a "fake dog". A "fake dog" is a clever dog that runs out into the street, limping pathetically so people won't run over it. As soon as it makes it to the other side, the limp disappears and they are happily on their way. This friend swears they've seen it time and again. LOL! I guess I just don't watch closely enough to spot any fake dogs. But I don't doubt that either sneaky broodies or fake dogs exist!
Those screen doors sound great and very similar to what I wanted to build for my coop but I haven't done it yet. Maybe when I bring your dog crates back, I can take a look and get inspired to work on mine.

The "fake dog" reminded me of a horse I used to know who put on a great limp as soon as anyone got on to ride him. Once he was unsaddled again, his limb miraculously went away.

Weeeell, my birds faked me out last night. Half of them were still sneezing and crackly this morning. Sigh. They aren't over it. I sure hope that new drug gets here soon!!
So sorry the chicks are still poorly. When is the Denagard expected to arrive?

Josie, Here is my little Cochin. It doesn't stay still long, prefers to be right at my feet to be picked up :) It has belly bumped with my Favarolle pullet, but is def not at the top of the pecking order. My Orpington is my bravest, and Bloom is in charge of who roosts and eats where :)
Sorry, but that Cochin looks like a cockerel to me.....
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Been there,Josie with the cat food. I had to treat Choppers wing because he ate too much cat food. Luckily it corrected with vet wrap for about a week and making him reduce his cat food intake. He has been a bad boy recently according to Karen. He is being a swimming pool hog. He is just way too spoiled and thinks he has to get his way.
I forgot to mention my granddaughter adopted a second duck. She took a little ancona as a pet too. I think the new has worn off some since she started taking my lawnmower to the pond to catch frogs. Kind of a switch of attention but she is still caring for them. I can only imagine the mess I will have to clean in my spare bedroom when she goes home.
My pea chick is still doing well, knock on wood. It is turning all white and is a very pretty little bird. I will be so sad if something happens to it.
By the way, anyone interested in a week in Branson? Not he proper place, but we have a condo available the last week of July (7/28 - 8/4) available. I have no animal sitter so we are going to sell the week CHEAP. The condo sleeps 6, and has a complete kitchen, work out center, indoor and outdoor pool etc. PM me if you think you might interested It's a lot cheaper than a motel with more to offer.
Congrats on the egg - zucchini anything sounds great. I used to make zucchini pancakes when my kids were little and they loved them and asked for more every day. It felt so good to be feeding them pancakes made from zucchini from my garden, eggs from my chooks, and then just half a cup of whole grain flour, and a little cheese.

Those ducks are adorable and the pool so lovely and clean. Let me guess - it didn't stay that way long, right? It seems like getting in water is what uncorks my muscovies and they clean out while they are swimming.....
I would eat zucchini pancakes. I know what you mean about feeling good. I get a good feeling serving the vegetables we've grown and the eggs from our chickens. Now if I could just figure out how to have a milk cow in the back yard ...

I used to get whole grain flour, I think the brand was King Arthur and I first found it at Wal-Mart, of all places. I haven't been able to find actual whole grain flour in a couple of years now. King Arthur doesn't make it any more and it would be horribly expensive to order it from their catalog anyway. They have some kind of 9 grain blend or something, but I don't know if it can be used the same way as the flour. Anyone know of any whole grain flour on the market now?
I can't remember the brand name but I get mine at Dillons. Maybe Hodgson Mill or something like that? It claims on the bag to be 100% whole grain. I also know a lady in Derby who grinds her own and I've bought several 5lb bags from her, freshly ground, for $3 a bag. I don't get to Derby all that often and its a long drive for flour, but when I know I will be there, I'll give her a call and stop by and get some. If you are ever going to be in Derby, PM me and I'll give you her contact info.
We had a wild turkey hen with 7 poults in the back yard this morning. I love watching them run around. Those little poults could really fly well already. I'm pretty sure she nested just southwest of the house, which was probably a very safe place for her. Our dogs would have helped protect her there.

Love the pic of the "naughty LGD." Our youngest LGD, Britt, is still a bit of a packrat. If she finds anything laying around she takes it and plays with it and tears it to little pieces all over the yard. That's not so bad. At least all you have to do is pick it up and throw it away. The part I don't like is ALL of them still drag BONES into the yard. Yesterday I found the skull and spine of what I believe was a badger. Then today there was another partial skeleton of some unknown varmint, probably ar raccoon or possum. Of course when I take the little dogs out, the first thing they do is latch on to one of these pieces of dead animal like they just won a prize. Then they want to take their treasures with them back into the house. No way. I have to grab their little trinket
then throw it in the trash.

My only consolation is at least I know the GP's are keeping the varmint population down.
Ha! Ha! Ivy. My yard is littered with deer bones every where. We have a few other varmint bones the dogs have brought home but people field dress deer and leave them or occasionally a deer will get hung on a fence and my dogs always find the remains. They did bring me a nice shed this spring though. I told them to go find the other half but they didn't pay attention to me. I really don't care if they chew on them. They have also drug complete hides to the yard and chewed on them all winter.
I[m cleaning and filling the duck pond so I'd better go check on it again.

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