Contemplating raising chickens or ducks or both this spring, 2020


Feb 1, 2020
Hi All-
My first chat room ever. Anyway, we're trying to decide about beginning this new adventure. I adore the chickens that I see at other people's homes as they peck around and just look so purposeful. The chicks are adorable. I do have two semi-outdoor cats but the chickens would be in a coop. We have a lot of land so the size of the enclosure is no object. I am reading about the benefits and contemplating the responsibilities.
Hello Wendy and welcome to BYC! :frow

Chickens are a lot of fun to keep! They are intelligent, curious, affectionate and are easy to keep if you know the basics. Have you stopped by our Learning Center yet? Lots of good reads on all the aspects of chicken keeping from building the coop, raising the chicks and keeping adults happy and healthy... Learning Center.

So make yourself at home here and if you have any questions along the way, be sure and ask us, we are all ears!

Welcome to our community! :)
The plus side of keeping chickens include tasty fresh eggs, good insect eaters from lawn (think ticks) great fertilizer for the garden after composting. Funny quirky critters to amuse you for hours. Great to help you forget the rest of the crazy world.

On the negative side, I would include the possibility of getting unwanted cockerels that you have to get rid of one way or another. Some people want a rooster or two around, but many folks don't, or are not allowed to have a rooster, by municipal laws.

For me, a negative is needing to get up and out there every morning to let them out and feed and water them. There is a certain amount of maintenance you have to do regularly, cleaning the coop, checking for mites and over all health issues. The biggest one for me is that I can't go anywhere. Have to be back in time to lock the chickens up. Can't go anywhere overnight. If you have a neighbor or someone you know can take over for you when you want to go on vacation, that would eliminate this problem.

All in all, we love our chickens. It is good that you are trying to consider all the issues, so you won't go into it blind. Good luck in what ever you decide, and Welcome to our forum!

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