CONTEST WITH PRIZE: When will Wynette reach 15k posts?


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
I'm embracing my yackiness!

When will I reach 15,000 posts? Make a guess! If you win, you get your choice of breeds in 12+ hatching eggs in the spring of 2012! If you can't use anything I have, of course, you should feel free to gift them to another member! The eggs will be shipped when available, which more than likely will be early 2012; if for some reason I'm ultra yacky and the gals are still laying, I'll ship yet this year. Oh - I should add that the eggs will be shipped free of any charges!


You are allowed ONE date.

You MUST search previous posts to see if your date is chosen before submitting your guess - if it is already chosen, you lose your guess. (I ran a similar contest to this awhile back, and it took me hours to contact each person who had picked a date already chosen - I won't be doing that this time.)

I will periodically update THIS post with a list of users & dates chosen, but do not rely on this post to check whether the date you'd like is taken.

If no one picks the exact date, the next closest date to the 15k date will win.

Once the contest is closed, I will not be looking at the list once it's closed UNTIL I reach 15k posts.

Any questions, let me know!! Otherwise, post your guesses!!

maybeyjoey - 9/3/11
GA_in_GA - 9/5/11
SimplySophie – 9/6/11
Papa rooster - 9/9/11
Pookie_Momma – 9/18/11
okiehen - 9/23/11
hillbillyhen - 9/24/11
cattitude - 9/27/11
tazcat70 - 9/29/11
AlGalMom – 9/30/11
mstricer - 10/1/11
Bhazell123 - 10/2/11
Johnschiks - 10/4/11
FLChickens – 10/5/11
Allmychickens – 10/6/11
Geokan - 10/7/11
Mommywoes – 10/11/11
HenThymes - 10/12/11
Stoopid – 10/13/11
The reluctant chicken – 10/14/11
Jesus freak – 10/15/11
BasicallyHeather – 10/17/11
Carrlr – 10/18/11
AyeUpChuck – 10/19/11
hinkjc - 10/20/11
CherryChick - 10/23/11
Tanichca – 10/28/11
Froggie71 – 10/29/11
Jnkir7 – 10/30/11
Snapnzap – 10/31/11
KDailey – 11/1/11
Theeggboxtoo – 11/2/11
Farmgirlforever18 - 11/3/11
Rekabnivek – 11/4/11
Meghalu – 11/5/11
JenEric Farms - 11/6/11
bockbock2008 - 11/7/11
PrestonSloan08 – 11/8/11
Woodchuckfamily – 11/9/11
Cowgirl71 – 11/10/11
RIRbarredrock – 11/11/11
Skitz – 11/12/11
Cralex – 11/13/11
Nickie – 11/14/11
ailurophile23 - 11/15/11
Guinealady93 – 11/16/11
Kalikopoodles – 11/17/11 (Laughing man – 11/17/11 – pls. choose another date)
Quailss – 11/18/11
7L Farm – 11/19/11
Yadaguhtoo – 11/20/11
Sonew123 – 11/21/11
Crazyeggs – 11/22/11
TeePants – 11/23/11
Arielle - 11/24/11
silkiechicken - 11/25/11
Redriver – 11/26/11
gamebirdsonly - 11/27/11
seclusionfarms - 11/28/11
Chicwannab - 11/29/11
Weimarmama – 11/30/11
Duramaxgirl - 12/1/11
EMAW – 12/2/11
Rarely bored – 12/3/11
Wekiva bird – 12/4/11
Speckledhen – 12/5/11
Braclin - 12/6/11
Appychick – 12/7/11
Cindilou – 12/8/11
Kuntrygirl – 12/9/11
XxB0rd3rsxX10 - 12/10/11
Miss Lydia - 12/11/11
Kansas Gal – 12/12/11
Stuckinthecoop - 12/13/11
Cottagechick – 12/14/11
2overeasy – 12/15/11
terrilacey - 12/16/11
Allieloveschickens – 12/17/11
Young heritage – 12/18/11
busyteacher - 12/19/11
Tinychickenlady – 12/20/11
Banks – 12/25/11
zzzzac - 12/26/11
Greenegglover – 12/27/11
Hot2pot – 12/28/11
Nikkumz – 12/29/11
CrayerThanAverage - 12/30/11
Lanyap – 1/1/12
Hucklekree – 1/2/12
Guinea fowl galore – 1/3/12
Corgihouse - 1/4/12
I-Have-Happy-Hens – 1/10/12
Anarchy82 - 1/11/12
Floridachicken1958 - 1/15/12
bobzant - 1/16/12
JD4570 - 1/18/12
jason180sx - 1/21/12
Golden Sparrow - 1/23/12
Wolftracks - 2/4/12
Happy Chooks - 2/7/12
Nurse_turtle – 2/12/12 (Mysweetgypsy – 2/12/12 – pls. choose another date)
ksm123 - 2/14/12
Zookeeper15133 – 2/20/12
Shayna – 2/25/12
Djennings – 3/16/12
DMRippy – 3/15/12
TJbfarms - 3/24/12
Hydroswiftrob – 3/25/12
Cpprpnny19 – 4/1/12
Chickenkid11 - 4/25/12
Last edited:
Gotcha! Last time, we had wild guesses all the way to folks trying to caculate mathematically when it would happen based on my previous posts. I think it was a wild guess that won!
Gotcha! Last time, we had wild guesses all the way to folks trying to caculate mathematically when it would happen based on my previous posts. I think it was a wild guess that won!

Dang it. I was counting on using your statistics for the mathematical side of this equation. Now, I'm second guessing myself. There was one week you posted 54 times.

One has to account for replies to this post that will throw off the calculations. Hmmm ...

Wild guess Friday, October 7, 2011. That's a good month. I was born in it.
Gotcha! Last time, we had wild guesses all the way to folks trying to caculate mathematically when it would happen based on my previous posts. I think it was a wild guess that won!

Dang it. I was counting on using your statistics for the mathematical side of this equation. Now, I'm second guessing myself. There was one week you posted 54 times.

One has to account for replies to this post that will throw off the calculations. Hmmm ...

Wild guess Friday, October 7, 2011. That's a good month. I was born in it.

Geo, you crack me up!!!

I ALMOST said that the posts in THIS thread won't count toward my total for the contest, but decided that would be a bit over the top!

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