Converting an old incubator

rebelcowboysnb, I bought one of the misters and installed it.


Are the chicks going to hatch doing the electric slide with the lighting effects?

Seriously, this thing make humidity!!! Doesn't take long to go through a quart of water. On one of my first attempts at setting it up I pegged the humidity on the gauge!

So now we have humidity. But the controls are not working the way I imagined they would. I have a feeling that my humistat is a cheap p.o.s. I would have thought that one built by Honeywell would be a good unit but it isn't anywhere close to accurate.

Good news is that the temps are dead on at 100 degrees, the turner works, and the cabinet itself is still great looking. Automatic humidity control is still kicking my butt.

I really hate to mount it IN the 'bator. I guess I could try it if anyone else thinks it's a good idea.
I forgot to clarify something. That pic shows a dish of water. The mister through so much water around the incubator was wet, wet, wet!

I have since switched that for a 1 quart paint mixing cup. When the mister is buried underwater it doesn't throw the water around.
Since the cup is graduated I can keep track of how much water it is using.
I bet that thing fills that size bator up with fog fast. I think I would try putting the foggier in a mason jar half full of water. Then half cover the top with a jar flat. That should throttle back how fast the humidity goes up an maybe the humidistat can keep up. It would also spill less water an excess fog would settle back in to the jar.
Before I forget, if you really want to make humidity there are options on this cigar site:
perform the task if you have a cabinet 'bator and the $$$$

Like I said, I am using a paint mixing cup for the water. Do you think I can find a lid for it around the shop??? Of course not. So...


Duct tape is going to have to suffice for now

By following rebelcowboysnb suggestions I am keeping the water in the cup at least.

I am getting the impression that the on/off "spread" of my humistat is about 10%
I know the accurit's and the dial are not jiving

Well, for now I am just going to watch the water level (usage per day) and try to tune the humistat to at least be close to what I need to incubate. From all the different threads arguing over how much humidity should be in the 'bator till day 18 I am thinking a 10% fluctuation is not going to be detrimental.

It's the 60 something % for the last 3 days that really has me concerned. If I can't control it at 30 to 40% how in the world am I just going to be able to turn the dial up and be accurate???
Mine didn't seem to like being set below about 45% at first. It works but it randomly lets it bottom out before coming back on. When I bumped it up to the 70% range it worked perfectly but had a 15%+ range. As I've used it it has dropped to about 5%. I don't really think its the range, its more like reaction time. The slower you can get the humidity to change ether way the smaller the range. I do like opening it up an seeing the fog roll out an knowing the humidity is back stable in minutes.

My dial shows 22% when its at 35% an 55% when it at 70%. I have the directions on how to calibrate mine but its just as easy to just note it in my head.
Good. Then maybe this crazy idea will work

One little problem though... it isn't a turn on and forget for the day. She is using ALOT of water. I am still going to be forced to top off the water a few times a day. And the water level makes a big difference in the fog. Too much water and it just peculates, too little and it's flying out of the cup.

I was hoping for a little more automation, but I can live with this if it all stabilizes.

What changes when you add the eggs? Does more "fill" change things??
Size seems to be the biggest issue. Because of the small space the humidity goes up an down to fast. Also there is not enough room for a large water reserver. You could use a large container outside with a air hose siphoning water in to the incubator to keep the water full. In that size bator probably needs to be deep enough to make it barely work.I have my fogger floating in a can cozy to keep it at the right level. I use a 5 gallon bucket as a water tank an have it covered almost 90%. But I think the size of my incubator is what really helps.


I know that "bumping" is a form of spam on this forum (
) but I am still not getting the humidity. I will move the humistate to the inside of the bator tomorrow, I sure hope the moisture and electricity play good together.

This is not as easy as I thought it would be. I saw all the home-made 'bators and thought I could automate things. I can't babysit an incubator, I have stuff to do

But I am coming to the conclusion that an incubator is like a broody hen, completely devoted and on watch 24/7.

(I am not giving up thought!! I will make this work!!!)

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