Cookie Tin water heater

Do these work with hanging waterers outside the enclosed part of a coop? Any ideas on where to find battery operated light set ups that could be placed in the tin because I don't have electricity to the coop. Frozen waterers are the only problem my chickens and I have!
Do these work with hanging waterers outside the enclosed part of a coop? Any ideas on where to find battery operated light set ups that could be placed in the tin because I don't have electricity to the coop. Frozen waterers are the only problem my chickens and I have!

Sure, you can do a battery, but the energy to run one 27W or 38W automotive bulb requires an RV/Marine Deep Cycle gel cell type. Or, I have talked with a few people and the automotive jump starter portable units can work. It just depends on what your preference is to maintain the battery.

Our setup is a little much, but we have invested in it for the loooonnnnnggggg run. :) Check this out for ideas on thermal-plugs that only allow the power to run at 35F or below, thus saving the battery.

A comparable system with lower cost items like the Stanley portable jump/charger works well too. You will need to take it back to a wall plug when the temps go warm so as to charge it.
We just got 3 chicks last week and for the past 5 days I've spent hours trying to figure out what I could use that wouldn't cost an arm & leg next winter to keep the water from freezing. this looks like a great idea.

I do wonder though, what will happen if some of the water gets splashed or spills down the side of the tin were the electrical comes out???
Ours are probably 4 or so years old. They will rust. DH used silicone caulk all around the electrical wire and tin where the fixture goes in to prohibit water from getting in. So far, it has worked wonderfully!
I was so inspired tonight................... I had all the parts needed at home - Total cost - FREE! The 40 watt bulb heats up fast and hot!!!

And winter is at least 9 months away!

I was so inspired tonight................... I had all the parts needed at home - Total cost - FREE! The 40 watt bulb heats up fast and hot!!!

And winter is at least 9 months away!

See where the wire goes into the side of the tin? My hubby gobbed silicone caulk all around that to stop any water from dripping in.
See where the wire goes into the side of the tin? My hubby gobbed silicone caulk all around that to stop any water from dripping in.
Yes I'm going to do that too.

I just read the first 10 pages of this thread and now I just have to determine what size bulb to use. I'm thinking 40 watt.

People have also asked how to prevent the plastic waterers (3 gallon) from being pushed off. My thought is to take a piece of plywood, cut it in a square a bit larger than the cookie tin and put 4 legs on it made from 2"x 2" (like an upside down table), sit a patio block on it, then the heater, then the waterer. That way the chickens won't be able to push it off the cookie tin and the wood won't get hot from the tin.......... I wonder if anyone came up with something like that in this 40+ page thread?
Yes I'm going to do that too.

I use rubber/Durex bowls. It gets VERY cold where I live and on the coldest nights the very top outer edge of the water will ice up. I am afraid that a larger container will freeze at the top and I really do not want to use a higher watt bulb than 40W. Also, I have to carry buckets of water and the coop is 150ft from the house, when the snow is deep its a real pain to carry anymore water than I have to. 5 chicken pens and some goats drink a lot of water.

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