Cookie Tin water heater

You close the lid, plug it in and turn the light on. Place the tin on bricks or a hollywood block and set the waterer on top. Make sure they are plugged into GFI outlets - as someone mentioned water and electricity don't mix well. I've never had any problem with them and they work well here.

Ooooh those are cool
I might have to have Ian rig one. Thanks Jody!
Thanks everyone, but I can't take credit for them. DH came up with the idea and is my handy dandy do-it-yourselfer guy. LOL I swear that man can do anything, which is really cool. I hope you have fun with it and it makes your winter lives easier.

btw..we found the cookie tins at the dollar store. You can get empty ones for about a buck or full of cookies for $2-$5. Enjoy the cookies and use the tin. Most of ours are Christmassy..and I think the chickens like the designs. lol

I made one of those last year. These work GREAT!!!! I sat a 3 gallon metal waterer on it, and NO FREEZING! I just went to the local thrift store today, bought 7 more tins, and 7 light, under $20.00. Yes, I will be busy this week makeing more of these! The candlestick lights, for your great for these! I got 7 of them for $1.00 each, at the thrift store!
And that kind of light cord is ok for outdoors then?

How do you put a hole in the cookie tin?

I like the idea of hooking something up to a battery, seems much safer.

Just a car battery? What supplies would I need exactly?

edit....ok I looked up the 12 volt battery, got that! Definately not a car battery, sorry!
So what kind of light could be hooked up to that, that could fit into a cookie tin?

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The cords are not exposed to weather so work fine for inside the coop. I've been using them for years and never had any problems. We replace bulbs yearly, check the wiring, use GFI outlets and all works well.


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