Coop Advice Wanted

I should have listened to a BYC member who suggested that I paint the roost 2x4's for easier cleaning!
Progress report. The windows aren't as big as the vents, but I saved $80, and I think the windows will give more airflow. There is one triangle on both sides.
I took a good look at what aart said about the soffit and found that, inside, a piece of siding prevents air from getting to that area. So it wouldn't actually help much in this situation.

2x2 prevents litter from being shoveled out of the nest box, and a snug-fitting but removable 2x4 prevents same from the coop.

I followed aart's design on the pop door, using a pulley system and furrows in the tracks to keep out predators. It is 4" off the floor. The window you see above it is unfinished, and needs hardware cloth.

Still waiting on plexiglass for the front window.

All roosts come out, but don't roll.
Oops. I should have tools you to make the pop door at least 6" up. I did mine low like that on my first coop, and also have a low lip that I need to swap out at the human door. It's not high enough to keep messing in, my pop door track constantly gets shavings drug out into it, and I can only put a couple of inches of shavings in the coop. It seems high enough when the coop is empty but it looks your bedding options as far as deep bedding or deep litter. On my second coop I did 8" lips which is much better.

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