coop bedding- what do you prefer??

I use straw and love it. No issues with moisture problems here in Vegas, 111° dries everything out fast. The chickens love scratching around in it and I love how easy it is to clean everything up when needed.
I use straw. The chickens love scratching in it and moving it around. Then I toss it in the compost pile and use it around veggie plants
I use pine shavings on a linoleum floor in a raised coop. In the winter I make it deeper than in the warmer months. Also clean it out every week when temps are above freezing. I use pine shavings and hay in the nest boxes. I have some raised beds where I grow vegetables and I put plain cardboard and newspaper as a weed barrier. I put the pine shavings from the coop on top of the cardboard and it seems to work fine.
I have been using news papers. It seems to keep things very dry. The chickens Rip it up with their feet and everything seems fine. Any reasons why this is not good?

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