
Currently being awesome
9 Years
Jun 4, 2015
Wild, Wild West
Hey all and :welcome to the new BYC! ;) :D

So lately I've been itching to build a new coop. I've been keeping chickens since late summer/early fall of 2015 in a (approx.) 3.5 x 3.5 ft coop that has one window, a door, and two nesting boxes w/ a 7 x 4 ft. run (not including the space underneath the coop). So all in all that's 12.25 sq ft. indoors, and 38.5 sq ft. out. We've had at most five full grown hens and one bantam - all seemed to do well in that amount of space. Sadly the Mareks have swept through and the only bird left is the silkie bantam :(.We are only allowed six chickens in our city, and I want to get some standard-sized online (vaccinated of coarse), and since I am wanting to build a new fresh one, I want some advice.

As ya'll probably know, there are guidelines out there that say "x amount of square feet per bird," and they vary greatly. :hmm

Preferably, I want to build a 4x4 ft. coop, and a 4x7 ft. run and of coarse there will be extra run space underneath the coop. There will be two nesting boxes, whether they be in or outside of the coop I'm not sure. We have 5 x 12 feet max space, but 4 x 11 would be preferred. If I do keep a bantam or two along with four or five standard size hens, would the above said amount of space be enough? Or should I go a bit bigger/wider? If I do need to go that, I could easily increase one side by 0.5 feet and that'd give them that much more space to chill during the day. :thumbsup

I don't want to overcrowd my chickens as that can result in pecking or even cannibalism, but I also want to be wise with space and don't want to over do it. Six hens. 4x4 coop. 4x7 run. Thoughts? Bigger or smaller? Tips/advice?

Thanks! :D
Hey all and :welcome to the new BYC! ;) :D

So lately I've been itching to build a new coop. I've been keeping chickens since late summer/early fall of 2015 in a (approx.) 3.5 x 3.5 ft coop that has one window, a door, and two nesting boxes w/ a 7 x 4 ft. run (not including the space underneath the coop). So all in all that's 12.25 sq ft. indoors, and 38.5 sq ft. out. We've had at most five full grown hens and one bantam - all seemed to do well in that amount of space. Sadly the Mareks have swept through and the only bird left is the silkie bantam :(.We are only allowed six chickens in our city, and I want to get some standard-sized online (vaccinated of coarse), and since I am wanting to build a new fresh one, I want some advice.

As ya'll probably know, there are guidelines out there that say "x amount of square feet per bird," and they vary greatly. :hmm

Preferably, I want to build a 4x4 ft. coop, and a 4x7 ft. run and of coarse there will be extra run space underneath the coop. There will be two nesting boxes, whether they be in or outside of the coop I'm not sure. We have 5 x 12 feet max space, but 4 x 11 would be preferred. If I do keep a bantam or two along with four or five standard size hens, would the above said amount of space be enough? Or should I go a bit bigger/wider? If I do need to go that, I could easily increase one side by 0.5 feet and that'd give them that much more space to chill during the day. :thumbsup

I don't want to overcrowd my chickens as that can result in pecking or even cannibalism, but I also want to be wise with space and don't want to over do it. Six hens. 4x4 coop. 4x7 run. Thoughts? Bigger or smaller? Tips/advice?

Thanks! :D
I just got my coop and I love it! Right now I've only got three but plan to have six. The top has a door and two side flaps that lift for ease of retreaving my eggs the below there is a nicedoor that opens so I can feed my babies. It's 36 by 48
In theory your suggested dimensions are too small as per the minimum recommended space requirements. Your climate (particularly during the winter months) and whether the run will be covered / weather proof will, in my opinion have a significant influence on whether the space is sufficient or not (either way, for 6 birds, I would doubt it). Your nest box must be external, otherwise your coop space will be significantly reduced.

Just my opinion, but with the dimensions that you mention, I'd only keep 4 standard sized birds.
In theory your suggested dimensions are too small as per the minimum recommended space requirements. Your climate (particularly during the winter months) and whether the run will be covered / weather proof will, in my opinion have a significant influence on whether the space is sufficient or not (either way, for 6 birds, I would doubt it). Your nest box must be external, otherwise your coop space will be significantly reduced.

Just my opinion, but with the dimensions that you mention, I'd only keep 4 standard sized birds.
There is a picture of it it's two story and I'm building a run for it now so they will have that room also I may be off a little bit on the dimensions but I love the design my good friend makes them. But thank you I'll research that.
So you're talking about 16 sq ft under the elevated coop (which counts) and an additional 28 feet of run space, right? That sounds like 4 birds per the minimum recommendations. How long did you have your other birds? I know you mention they got along fine with much less space and was trying to figure that out. Did you have them as adults? the coop is adorable!
Love the look! Does it have ventilation, I'm not seeing any obvious vents. My plans are for a 4x6 coop and an 8x9 or 10 foot run for 3 hens. The reason for the coop size is occasionally due to the winds we have and storms they may get locked in the coop for safety now and then which means moving the water and feed into the coop temporarily.
Love the look! Does it have ventilation, I'm not seeing any obvious vents. My plans are for a 4x6 coop and an 8x9 or 10 foot run for 3 hens. The reason for the coop size is occasionally due to the winds we have and storms they may get locked in the coop for safety now and then which means moving the water and feed into the coop temporarily.
I don't know if you were talking to me but vents are a great question... I just introduced two new hens to my flock and usually there is a pecking order established is what I understand but it appears my birds are not doing this. They all just wanna get along. So my two new birds are staying up top while the old ones are staying below. But today this caused the new birds to almost become overheated as they were drooling. Has anyone experienced this?

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