Coop fix attempt unsuccessful (pic of 95% finished product page 2)

Looks good. I like the stepping stones. Since you get alot of wind as you need to paint them yellow so they can follow the yellow brick road.
I give it 5 stars ***** . I bet Home Depot loves ya'll ! Seriously congratulations !

Mine is still stacked wood with an idea floating around somewhere in my little brain .
Well it's enclosed enough for the chicks to be in there during the day while we're home. Still need to add more screws, and make a few minor adjustments. The large umbrella was set up for the humans working on the run, and will be left up as long as it's not windy out. They do like the shade it made. Coop also has a fan inside too keep them nice and cool.

LOL maybe next year. We still have to finish this thing. We have a RIR, Wynadotte, and two silkies. I have no idea if they're roosters or hens, although someone has been making some interesting chicken noises as of last week. The RIR and Wyn are both 3 months old give or take a week or so. The silkies, I don't know but I think maybe 2-3 weeks.

I added a sheet of bamboo for temp shading to the side of the pen because the wind took the umbrella, just as I thought would happen.
So far so good. They are enjoying being out in the new run/coop area. They made a lot of noise earlier when I cooped them and let the little chicks have the run, but now all seem to have calmed dow.

I hope it was THAT easy.
Yes , I have insomnia , question ... at the bottom of the door were ya'll able to fix that small opening ?

Yes, that was a result of my measurement abilities or lack of lol. First I wanted the door to open in, but didn't calculate the sunflower protective screen I have up in there getting in the way, so he put it on the outside and needed me to hold it while he set it. But I was busy doing something else at this point.. kids, dogs, who knows, so it got put on with a 1/2 inch slack. He fixed it after the silkie chicks showed off their amazing escape artist skills :)

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