Coop light question

first time farmer

11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
New Hampshire
I know that they need 14 hours of light to lay but i also use one to heat the coop. It is 33 and the extention cord is cut I don't know what cut it (I think a shovel did) Should i put a light on or what
Do you mean 33 degrees?
Does your coop have a window? I guess I'm just not getting your question, I probably need more sleep.
Anyway, just from my own experience, I only give mine a little night light after dark, I heard forcing them to lay with extra light exhausts them & shortens their lives. For heat, If it gets below freezing, I'll use a heat lamp (with the red bulb) and hang & tie it to something so it can't fall. If it's really cold, I use a space heater with a little cage I built so they can't knock it over or sit/poop on it.
No you don't need any heat in the coop, hens and even pullets over 10 weeks they can survive real cold temp, I mean 5 degree will not kill the chicken if there is no draft in th coop, and the coop well insulated.

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