Ended Coop Page Contest #1 - Win a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

I just made me a coop page but still cant figure out how to up load it to this site.I wanted to enter the duck coop contest well i didnt get pictures of it been built just after it was done.my coops name is duckling resort
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We used the pallet method and began the building process at the farm. We started off with 2 pallets per side except for the front. We nailed on 2x4s for support.

We nailed on some tamarack poles at an angle for the roof and added another pallet to the front just on one side to leave a spot for the door.Then we loaded it onto a trailer to haul it to our house.

We added the plywood to the sides and the roof in addition to the hardware cloth to cover the openings. What was really nice about this pallet method is the plywood din't have to be measured and cut down to size at all. We used 4'x4' pallets and therefore, we had 4'x8' sides. Perfect fit for a 4'x8' piece of plywood don't you think? The top worked great too because it was a little shy of 8' from front to back so we were able to stick the plywood out a little in the front to give it an edge from any rain.

Next came the door and digging the post holes for the run.

Beside the paint, it is finished. The roof has some left over tin I bought from the hardware store from someone's project. I even added some ribbon grass around the base of the coop to keep the dirt from eroding. For the run, we used more tamarack poles. We cut them 8' long and dug them into the ground 2 feet and spaced them 6' apart on center. Since the coop is 18' long by 12' wide, we used 4 corner posts with 2 in between on the sides and then 1 in between at the end of the run. On the top of the run, to the left of the coop, that corner post ended up being 8' from the coop instead of 6'. Hardware cloth on the bottom dug 2 inches down and 1-2 feet out topped in the ground, topped by chicken wire encloses the coop. We covered the top of the coop with a soft wildlife netting since we have quail and they do fly.

I have BYC members that posted their pallet coop ideas to thank for my coop construction. I never would have thought to use pallets for the base of a coop. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
We've been seeing an influx of spam so we've had to require that members participate more in the forum before they can create BYC pages. Please interact with our community a bit more and our system will begin to see you as a "trusted" member and allow you to post a page.
i feel so guilty, i buy a 10x10 chainlink kennel, a doghouse off of craigslist, or large plastic storage bins, greenhouse cloth, bamboo for perch and call it a day! $350

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