Coop Pop Door Size


5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
Hey guys and I completed my pop door today....I can't believe how much time it truly took to do it (It is screwed in from the inside...and the channel for the actual door was done all at one time). When all was said and done, I have ended up with a door that is 16.5" tall, and 10.75" wide. Is that going to work?
I have Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, and a Golden Buff coming....
Thanks in advance!!
Hey guys and I completed my pop door today....I can't believe how much time it truly took to do it (It is screwed in from the inside...and the channel for the actual door was done all at one time). When all was said and done, I have ended up with a door that is 16.5" tall, and 10.75" wide. Is that going to work?
I have Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, and a Golden Buff coming....
Thanks in advance!! No problems I would say.

Mine is only 9x12 and it works fine.

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