Coop Space in premade coops


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 19, 2014
Mass, USA
Why is it when I read on the forum and other sites that it is recommended that we have at least 4sqft per bird, but the premade coops usually offer less than this?

I ask because I'm planning a 4x6 coop and want to maximize the numbers of birds that the coop will allow.
It's because manufacturers grossly overstate what their coops will hold. Some use the space specification that commercial egg farms provide caged birds. You can do the same but then you'll have to trim beaks.
I would say mainly because they want your money. I think of it in terms of say a travel trailer (rv)....most salesmen will tell you that you can tow it "no problem" with a half ton truck. Sure, it would work and get the job done, but not as well if you had a 3/4 ton or 1 ton truck. All they care about is getting your money and let you worry about the rest.
I say all that to say...I would go with the 4 sq ft per bird. Probably alot of experience from others here as to why that would be the min. If you had to keep them "cooped" up, they would get to squabbling in a small coop and either kill each other or severely injure one another.
It's because manufacturers grossly overstate what their coops will hold. Some use the space specification that commercial egg farms provide caged birds. You can do the same but then you'll have to trim beaks.

X 2 - there is a difference between how many birds *can* fit in a given space and how many birds *should* be fit in a given space.
So a 4x6 is big enough for 6 girls. Is a 6x12ft run big enough or do I need to expand that?

While that would be sufficient, *I* personally would build as big as you can from the start - if you have room enough to make the run bigger, doing so now saves on the expense and hassle of expanding later if you decide to add to the flock or wish to give your birds even more room.

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