I'm looking at getting started with chickens. I still have to get my husband on board, but I have a feeling he will go for it!
I'd like to get a coop with an attached run. We are not very DIY people over here, but if something comes with all of the parts, I can put it together easy enough!
I'm looking to spend no more then about $200-$250 on a coop. Something that looks nice, as we live in a subdivision and I don't want neighbors to think it is an eyesore (cleared it with the HOA today, hens are fine!). I'm also looking at purchasing silkies, and want 3-4 of them.
I've found a couple of options, but as I've never had chickens before, I don't know if they are good ones.
http://www.petco.com/product/120098/Advantek-The-Prairie-Home-Poultry-Hutch-in-Auburn-And-White.aspx (this thing is just super cute! LOL)
http://www.hayneedle.com/sale/preci...i_sku=PPP158&gclid=CK2ClP2szbYCFWXZQgod0jwA3A (A little more than what I am looking at spending, but it looks nice).
I'd love any suggestions you guys have! Thanks for the help!
I'd like to get a coop with an attached run. We are not very DIY people over here, but if something comes with all of the parts, I can put it together easy enough!
I'm looking to spend no more then about $200-$250 on a coop. Something that looks nice, as we live in a subdivision and I don't want neighbors to think it is an eyesore (cleared it with the HOA today, hens are fine!). I'm also looking at purchasing silkies, and want 3-4 of them.
I've found a couple of options, but as I've never had chickens before, I don't know if they are good ones.
http://www.petco.com/product/120098/Advantek-The-Prairie-Home-Poultry-Hutch-in-Auburn-And-White.aspx (this thing is just super cute! LOL)
http://www.hayneedle.com/sale/preci...i_sku=PPP158&gclid=CK2ClP2szbYCFWXZQgod0jwA3A (A little more than what I am looking at spending, but it looks nice).
I'd love any suggestions you guys have! Thanks for the help!