"Coop" Sun Lighting


10 Years
May 6, 2009
Can anyone tell me how much sun light is good enough inside the coop?
Sould there only be enough sun light for the chickens to see each other, or so they see and feel the light but not HOT sun light.
My coop is under trees and the coop window is facing the South. There's light inside but the window light is like looking at a night light inside.
Will the low light inside the coop make my ladies fell good, giving them less light then outside?
Will the low light help my ladies when laying those white things?
I've always read that the hens love sunlight and will lay better during the Winter months. My coop has tons of windows and I can see them in the morning pushing each other out of the way to get to the morning sun. I was worried about too hot in Summer, but they will have the option of going outside. I build my coop with Winter in mind.
If you don't want to add another window you might consider painting the inside of the coop white, which will make it MUCH brighter in there.

OTOH it looks like you might could use some more ventilation in there anyhow so possibly another window type thing might be useful for other reasons as well.

Or of course, you could do both

The main two disadvantages of a really dim coop are a) it is sometimes harder to train them to go into the coop at night, because while it's still nice outside it is (to them) pitch-dark in there and they can't see to get up onto the roost; and b) in a dim poorly-windowed coop, effective day length (from the standpoint of what chickens need for egg laying) is a lot shorter than it "really" is, because it doesn't get light in the coop til well after sunrise and darkens well before sunset. Thus you may have a longer part of the year with reduced egg production.

Good luck, have fun,

I know it's a bit much but we got lucky when we went to Lowes. On the outside wall where the lumber is you will find custom order returns. The day we went we found one of a double door set. The kind that has the blinds built in. We got it for a song and only had to add the door handle. I figure this will go a long way towards adding sunlight in the coop.
Yes it looks a little dark to me also but I'm human. I don't know if the birds like it darker for laying eggs or to make them feel safer.

I also have a vent door with wire on the back of the coop.

What are the dimensions of the coop and how many chickens are you planning to house? I would probably put more ventilation (though the vent door is good) and one more biggish window that opens, perhaps on the back side? Otherwise I think it will be too dark for them to want to go in at night and stuffy, plus it will get damp in winter with inadequate venting...
Patty N. ;-)

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