Coopers Hawk Working Area


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
I am seeing a juvenile (brown with spotted belly) female (big) Coopers Hawk making short flights between clumps of smallish trees where she does glides between each spot. She is hunting for fledgling songbirds. The adult birds are mobbing her with great effort. I can see activity from a good distance and when driving by. Songbirds are clumping up so multiple young birds will be in a given location making so multiple adults can mob in their defense. Mockingbirds and Eastern Kingbirds are not clumping. The hawk has not come in to barn area with me present. All immature chickens, but one juvenile game stag, are penned and either next to a game rooster or English Shepherd. The loose stag has option of hanging around dogs and roosters, which it does.

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