Cooping chickens at night in winter

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5 Years
Nov 11, 2014
I have five winter hardy chickens in Iowa that live in and 8 x 12 covered run with a separate coupe that is insulated. At night they still want to perch on top of the coop outside instead of going inside. Do I need to lock them inside the coop at night? It is starting to get cold. Or, will they go in on their own once they decide it's too cold.?
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We're glad to have you.

If they are too cold, they will go in on their own. In general, chickens don't mind cold too much, so don't be surprised if they decide to stay outside, even though its cold.

But, it isn't good that they are not roosting in the coop. It would be easy for a predator to snatch them in the night. I would move them inside each night and lock them there until morning.

Good luck with them!
Glad you joined us!

I wouldn't worry about your birds in the cold. If they get too cold, their bodies will tell them to go inside.

More concerning is the fact that they are sleeping outside. Predators are a huge problem for chickens without shelter. A bird in the dark is basically helpless. I would put your birds inside each night, and leave them there until morning. Eventually, they should get the idea, and be much safer.

Good luck!
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Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. X2 on Wyandottes7's advice. I would move them into the coop each night and lock them in until morning, and continue to do so until they start going in on their own. It's not cold that will be the problem in winter (feathers are wonderful insulators against cold), but moisture will be if they are roosting outside in cold rain, sleet, or snow. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I agree with BantamLover. A chicken sleeping outside is only drawing in predators and will eventually be picked off. Which is only going to get them preds to hang around more in the future looking for another meal. And if you free range at all, these predators may hang around during the day too waiting for another chicken dinner. So I would do my best to get them inside at night. Lure them in with food if you have to, but keep them locked up for their own safety.
when it get too cold for the chicken they will go inside, chickens hence their name know their limits they will go inside when they need to put sleeping outside puts them a HIGH risk for predator attacks hope you have a good fence with holes less then 1 inch thick and buried 2 feet in the ground remember WINTER HARDY that specific breed will stay out longer than others good luck.

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