Corid directions


Sep 2, 2018
I simply need to know how much liquid corid to mix per gallon of water for my chickens?? I am in the US so, e.g. ( 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water) . I Googled it, but came up per 100 cattle or ml, etc....????? Even the directions on the bottle is confusing. The powder is much easier. Note to self next time.
Thank you!
For educational purposes, as I have seen differing responses within threads:

I have seen both .1 mL and 1mL per weight lb as a direct dosage for severe outbreak, can anyone confirm which is correct?

Also, I have seen both you can and you can not eat eggs while giving Corid, can anyone confirm this too?

Also if you use Safeguard and Corid, do you use or toss eggs?
For educational purposes, as I have seen differing responses within threads:

I have seen both .1 mL and 1mL per weight lb as a direct dosage for severe outbreak, can anyone confirm which is correct?

Also, I have seen both you can and you can not eat eggs while giving Corid, can anyone confirm this too?

Also if you use Safeguard and Corid, do you use or toss eggs?
This is called drenching. It shouldn't be necessary for more than 3 days while also having the proper dilution of Corid water as the ONLY source of drinking water. Drenching is about 0.1 ml per pound of body weight. There is a fairly large tolerance of amprolium in chickens. Follow the full course of Corid water per the instructions above.

There is absolutely NO egg withdrawal while using amprolium (the active ingredient in Corid).

There is ABSOLUTELY a 2 week egg withdraw after the last dose of fenbendazole (the active anthelmintic in Safeguard).

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