cornish or cornish x?????


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
can you tell me if this baby chick is a cornish or cornish cross? she/he is developing slower than the 2 buff orps and so i hope that means just cornish.



Give it a week, by two you will know for sure. But my guess it is a cornish x, so best make some dinner plans in 8 weeks just in case. One very rarely finds white Cornish for sale, espeically from hatcheries. And it has a pretty round and blunt face like meaties.

What were the other possible breeds you had picked from? Could be another heavier set white bird, since it's already too "fat" to be a leghorn type.
if it is a cornish x i will not make dinner plans because i do not eat my chickens. hopefully little Amanda dies of natural causes and not of a heart attack. she doesnt eat that much almost less than the buffs and is growing slower too. she is a bit fatter and taller though. i am very sad that she might be a cornish x because i already got attached. if she is going to die then hopefully in 8 weeks at the most because i am leaving for a while after that and i want a couple of weeks to reheal if she dies. thank for your replies. i will post in about a week or two how she is doing and what she looks like in about a week. all i saw when i saw the cornish box was just cornish because i just glimpsed at the tag for the box because i was busy looking at other chickies and desideing which ones to get. i have a question, though did people genetically or homeoned the chicks so that way they grow really REALLY fast to where they have a heart attack at a young age? i sure hope not!

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