Cornish Thread

The first night I had these guys, one of the pullets flew up into the eaves of the building. So I figured 20" high perches would be a piece of cake. They hit the floor with a thud jumping off the perches.You described it pretty accurately, Cedarknob. The pink spots/sploches do sort of look like abrasions, but the perches are pretty smooth. Flooring is new plywood with shavings. It must be the weight, combined with height that is causing the problem.They like to get as high as they can, but the perches have been lowered to about a foot off the floor. Never had this problem before, so if this isn't it, don't know what to think.

Can anyone tell me about the compatibility of the roos?

Thanks for all input.
I found that my Standards are no flightless birds when I try catching them. They jump and fly right over my head! But I have low perches. I think the weight for them is no different than any other large breed that can't have too high of a roost or they are likely to start getting bumblefoot.
Can anyone tell me about the compatibility of the roos?

Thanks for all input.
Again, no experience with bantams. My large fowl cocks and cockerels can usually get a pecking order settled and maintain if never separated but not always. Once separated, or even re-penned with the same birds in a new pen, they cannot be trusted not to fight to the death, even though a joined fence.
Cornish are so awesome!

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