Cornish Thread

Those must be Russell Roy's birds.

I am super excited and feel like I just won the lottery!

I ran across a man here in Louisiana whose only about an hour from my house that used to show standard Dark Cornish and has raised them for over 20 years. I picked up some hatching eggs from him this week and will be buying chicks in late May, early June to guarantee I get enough decent birds.

Here is a picture of some of his darks: I love the width on the hens.
hi yall i hope this finds the right spot i just recently bought two cornish breed chicks i have had them about 3 weeks and they have doubled in size ( around ) one of the chick no joke will eat untill he/she falls asleep with his/her head in the food bowl its funny but scary and im concerned they are going to eat them selfs to death this is my first time raising chicks can any one help with this thank you much worried chicken mom
hi yall i hope this finds the right spot i just recently bought two cornish breed chicks i have had them about 3 weeks and they have doubled in size ( around ) one of the chick no joke will eat untill he/she falls asleep with his/her head in the food bowl its funny but scary and im concerned they are going to eat them selfs to death this is my first time raising chicks can any one help with this thank you much worried chicken mom

Are you sure they are pure breed Cornish, and not Cornish Rock X's? This sounds a lot like a CRX.
Quick question,
I bought a pair of bantam DC I've hatch chicks out of them, they have been by them self

I got some dark chicks and others that look more white, well white with dark markins on them, the darker ones (well the first one) he is starting to look like the parens, the others are too small to find out

So is it normal for these parents to be throwing chick in different shades?
You will see some variation in the chicks, but they should all feather the same.

It is cool that you got your hands on some, Nava. But please, don't make them NNs, they would really look like freaks! LOL!!!
Could someone please verify that this chick is or isnt a cornish?
And this ine as well?
They both look that way to me. The darken up as they age. It isn't uncommon for chicks to feather out the first time the way yours are. Even some other breeds, like my Buckeyes, have barring when they are juvies and then they become solid when they get their adult feathering.

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