Cornish Thread

I bought some cornish X w rock. And I have pure bred dc
and white cornish, l like the pure white cornish better than the others. But I'm going to cross the white c
with the dark c and see how they do.
I Had A White Rock Rooster To Cross Over My Cornish Hens ,But He Was NUTs a CageBanger ,I even raised him as a chick ,he was flighty ,,that did me in for the Rocks,i have to keep my stock up in big chicken tractors ,I have arial assualts daily it seems.
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I Had A White Rock Rooster To Cross Over My Cornish Hens ,But He Was NUTs a CageBanger ,I even raised him as a chick ,he was flighty ,,that did me in for the Rocks,i have to keep my stock up in big chicken tractors ,I have arial assualts daily it seems.

Sounds like Sambat has a better cross with the barred rock. I might try a white cornish male over a barred hen.
Most attacks with mine are night varmits.
the dark cornish in the background is a DC x slow cx
Jr explain term Slow cx ,im still newbie to some aspects of breeding ,it may seem mine are lil slower growers,which breeds quicken up growth rate but dont rob breast growth?
These are not pure Lf and bantam cornish. We are talking about Cornish Cross broilers. The broiler industry developed strains that reach slaughter weight a couple of weeks later than the fast grow Cx. They don't have the health problems that plague fast grow Cx. Their food does not have to be restricted ,they can breed and lay lots of eggs. As a hybrid they will not breed true but make a good platform to work with. Check out the thread "first run of cornish cross meat birds and super excited"
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