Cornish Thread

​Turk Sounds like at QueenMisha's you won't need dogs. Just throw out some garbage and Wait. Like coons at my place. I try to swerve and get'em around the house.

Quite right... garbage... chickens... chicken feed. Anything'll draw em in. That's what I get for living in the woods I guess.

And Turk, you're right about the regulations... this dang state is full of crazy laws.
In Kentucky where I live, that dog could/would have been shot where he stood and his owner might still have to pay for the bird. No muss...No fuss.

Thankfully we don't have that much of a dog problem here as much as a coyote and fox problem, especially in the spring when they are raising. One got my last pen full of cornish crosses I was working with. Needless to say I stayed up every night with a .22 for the next week
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sorry too say i'm problaby going to leave this thread i have too give my Cornish pullet away because of my dad, he said that they do not produce enough eggs but i'm getting a polish rooster sooooo.......what the heck good enough trade foe me lol!
sorry too say i'm problaby going to leave this thread i have too give my Cornish pullet away because of my dad, he said that they do not produce enough eggs but i'm getting a polish rooster sooooo.......what the heck good enough trade foe me lol!

Sorry to hear that. Congrats on the Polish though. No reason to leave if you're still a fan of the breed, I'm on plenty of threads for breeds I don't currently own.

Edit: one of these days I'll learn to proof read before posting
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Thankfully we don't have that much of a dog problem here as much as a coyote and fox problem, especially in the spring when they are raising. One got my last pen full of cornish crosses I was working with. Needless to say I stayed up every night with a .22 for the next week

My biggest problem time of year is the late summer when they are teaching pups to hunt. I had 30 fowl come up missing in 2 days while I was gone. Left the doggy door (pop door) open. They were always free ranged that whole summer until then. I started resetting traps in July since.
coyote pups, bobcats or baby coons I don't know what got them that weekend but I know I lost all fowl but a few Japanese Bantams that had started roosting in a tree. The guineas tried but a water hose got them back in the coop a week before the massacre.
coyote pups, bobcats or baby coons I don't know what got them that weekend but I know I lost all fowl but a few Japanese Bantams that had started roosting in a tree. The guineas tried but a water hose got them back in the coop a week before the massacre.

And it is so aggravating when you are trying to breed toward birds that do better free ranging when you can not even let them do that. My great grandparents used to keep around 100 game birds free ranged and the only time any would get killed was by them to cut down on the extra roosters and old hens.
There used to be more woods for animals to stay in but more people now. Once I move more to the country Im sure Ill have to deal with more animals too. I get possums and racoons now

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