Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Of course not. Those people are the ones who will benefit from herd immunity. Which will only be reached when all those who CAN get vaccinated, do.
Thank you for your sensible answer. What I have a problem with is those who are comfortable with getting the vaccine, telling others (who may be uncomfortable with the vaccine) it is their social duty to also get the vaccine.

That's all I wanted to point out.
Allergic reactions are one of the counterindications of ANY medication. I am not sure how you would know beforehand you were " 90% " allergic to anything unless you had been tested for all the ingredients or had had a reaction to a medication with very similar ingredients. Even then I see people all the time who may be allergic to a specific drug ( say codine) but can take morphine, dilaudid, fentanyl, etc without a problem. And these are slight variations of the same basic compound.
90% was fictional, probably 100% in reality, and I was going to include the recovery rate of covid 99.74% as a comparison, but my post changed as I typed, and then edited.

Vaccines are meant to cause a reaction, so if a person is prone to allergic reactions they should be very, very careful.

And true someone may be allergic to one medication, but be okay with others.

For those who know for sure the vaccine is for them, then they are doing their part in taking care of themselves.

For those who know for sure the vaccine is not for them or questioning, it is their right to not the vaccine at all, or get the vaccine when they are comfortable.
Well, actually, getting vaccinated (those who are able to) in order to achieve herd immunity for all IS a social duty. That's just a fact; folks don't like it, but it is a fact.
No, it is a fact that humans were born with an immune system.

You are just repeating what mainstream is telling you, without any understanding of what true immunity is.
I have a (fictitious) uncle whose lifestyle involves lots of drinking, He is uncomfortable if he cannot drink. His doctor even told him that if he stops drinking, he will suffer withdrawals, so he feels justified in continuing to drink. He has put others at risk by driving while drunk. People no longer respect him, they don't want to be around him at all.

He complains that he shouldn't be made to feel bad for putting others at risk because he is uncomfortable being sober. Meanwhile, small children and elderly people put their lives at risk crossing the road in the neighborhood where he lives because he drives unsafely.

My uncle has a social duty to either stop drinking or stop driving/ being around others who are vulnerable. That's a fact.
See--Page 3: Pfizer-BioNTech covid vaccine is an unapproved vaccine.

See--Page 4: What if I decide not to get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine? It is your choice to receive or not to recieve the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine. Should you decide not to receive it, it will not change your standard of medical care.

This vaccine, with the others have only been approved for emergency use, as stated.

Even the vaccine companies state it is your choice whether or not to get the vaccine, so @KarynVA give it up. You don't make the moral rules.

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