Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Hubby is so paranoid because of covid and tech. He's thinking my new phone is spying on him because it has a proximity sensor. He compared it to me "bringing a ouija board into the house". Sure I did bring something in that you don't understand but that doesn't mean it's EVIL. Sigh...I love him but he's so paranoid. We are probably the most boring people on earth so who cares if the phone can hear us?
Well I spoke to Federal Department of Transpertaion. I was told I was a hazard to the health of everyone else. They do not and will not transport me without a mask and that because I am a public hazard it is not againist the law. WHAT THE F........
I am no longer able to get to my doctors and in two months unable to get medications from the doctor. I still can not get food. This is some real BS.
Sounds like a move would be good for you. Great thing about USA not everywhere is like that.
There is still states that haven't mandated draconian anti-science rules for the masses that over and over they have been caught disobeying the laws they themselves implemented for us 'peons'.
There was a mass exodus from some of those areas pre-covid, accelerated now, so bad Uhaul has to pay drivers to go to retrieve their vehicles and trailers, used to be enough two way traffic they didn't have to now a one way flow .
Sounds like a move would be good for you. Great thing about USA not everywhere is like that.
There is still states that haven't mandated draconian anti-science rules for the masses that over and over they have been caught disobeying the laws they themselves implemented for us 'peons'.
There was a mass exodus from some of those areas pre-covid, accelerated now, so bad Uhaul has to pay drivers to go to retrieve their vehicles and trailers, used to be enough two way traffic they didn't have to now a one way flow .
I don't have the option to move.
Feel bad for our DD#2, senior this yr.
NY dropped the mask mandate again recently everywhere except for hospital's and school's (kids) .
She had a FFA convention they were all supposed to go to, cancelled because of the mask mandate.
Her school decided they would rather not go, didn't want to make sure the kids, 4 to 6 per hotel room, would have to make sure were wearing masks while sleeping. Yup, cancelled because no one wanted to force sleeping kids to wear masks.
Sounds like a move would be good for you. Great thing about USA not everywhere is like that.
There is still states that haven't mandated draconian anti-science rules for the masses that over and over they have been caught disobeying the laws they themselves implemented for us 'peons'.
There was a mass exodus from some of those areas pre-covid, accelerated now, so bad Uhaul has to pay drivers to go to retrieve their vehicles and trailers, used to be enough two way traffic they didn't have to now a one way flow .

Neither do we, but we still dream about it. Might happen someday.
We talked about moving to Texas when this all started. One can dream..
Sounds like a move would be good for you. Great thing about USA not everywhere is like that.
There is still states that haven't mandated draconian anti-science rules for the masses that over and over they have been caught disobeying the laws they themselves implemented for us 'peons'.
There was a mass exodus from some of those areas pre-covid, accelerated now, so bad Uhaul has to pay drivers to go to retrieve their vehicles and trailers, used to be enough two way traffic they didn't have to now a one way flow .
I hope they leave their ideologies behind if they are typical of their former areas.
Sigh...I love him but he's so paranoid. We are probably the most boring people on earth so who cares if the phone can hear us?

A second one is so last year. Third or fourth now.

Unwatching as it's pointless.

Being called a troll for pointing out laws, rules, and regulations. Struck a nerve, I guess.

Good day.
I apologize for those that disrespect you just because they disagree with you. :hugs You've definitely pointed out some useful information, in my eyes. Some ignore these facts because they are too blind and don't want to believe it.

Not surprised that they're chasing away the people they disagree with.
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