Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

True but I’m worried it’s too late to start them. Takes like 8 weeks to be ready to plant doesn’t it? Maybe I could transplant them earlier or something. Our growing season does seem to be extended lately so maybe it’s not too late haha

I just worry it is for the peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant. :oops:

I’ve been meaning to plant them for a while but I keep forgetting :oops:

You are only a week or 2 late. Get them planted TODAY. You still have time!
Same!! Idk why but I’ve been so unmotivated, even worse than usual. BUT. Today is different and I feel so motivated and happy for the first time in a while so I’ve been taking advantage of it and trying to get a lot done and be outside haha idk why but I naturally have a green thumb even without trying 😂🙈
I'm not usually much of a procrastinator but since all this Covid stuff I'm feeling the opposite. I don't usually leave home on a daily basis, but now since I can't it's all I want to do!
The gun safety course is great for learning the gun. However it's a Godsend to get you handling your gun, playing scenarios in your mind. Anything that gets you using a gun in your hands. You need to be comfortable holding and shooting the gun without freezing up. Unfortunately you can't practice killing someone .
I actually found a school around here that gets you using real guns in the course. :D

Don’t think I could ever kill someone though. :oops:
That's what video games are for
:lau then I’m an expert!! Used to play GTA all the time lol loved running from the cops :lau
I've asked myself over the years if I could ever do that. I can't. I would choose -- actually choose -- being the one who's killed rather than living with the thought that I had done it.

It took me a long time but I managed to work myself up to culling a mean rooster. That's my limit. It just is.
Yeah, I don’t think I could kill someone. Still can’t even kill an animal. :oops:
Most people when defending love ones can take that step.... maybe not to defend themselves
I’m not sure I could do it even then. :oops:

Maybe if they were going after my animals. :p
Probably doesn’t want me ruining my hair lol
I missed the boat on peas. And I'm sad I didn't put in onions, garlic and shallots in the Fall. But I went ahead and planted seedlings and seeds of lettuce a couple weeks ago. I put them in a raised bed that's a little more protected from direct sun. They're doing great so I feel like I'll get several salads from them before they bolt.

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Wait onions are supposed to be planted in the fall!? Dang!!!
Too late??? :) I might think maybe for tomatoes, you may need plants. I think you might make it with eggplant.
Thanks! That’s good news!! I think I’ll try the tomatoes anyway and see and if it’s too late then oh well haha but I’d like to try cause I have a few varieties I wanna try.
You are only a week or 2 late. Get them planted TODAY. You still have time!
Thanks!! Will do!! That’s good news I’m not too late but still a week or two longer I’ll have to wait for vegetables but oh well. :)

I think I’m gonna get the garden ready too since it’s so nice out.
I'm not usually much of a procrastinator but since all this Covid stuff I'm feeling the opposite. I don't usually leave home on a daily basis, but now since I can't it's all I want to do!
Yeah I’m the same way!! Haha well, I’ve always been a procrastinator. :oops: but been even worse since this thing started for some reason. But I think I’m finally getting my mojo back a bit haha
:lau don’t worry, I won’t! But if I did, I’d get the good stuff like Manic Panic or something and not cheap grocery store stuff haha but I honestly don’t really want to dye my hair anyway 😂 I like it brown and gray... skunk streaks are in fashion, right!? ;) :lau :oops:
There is no such thing as good stuff that is sold at the grocery store.
If you want your hair colored get it done by professional.

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