Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

What?!! Ridiculous!!....
There is a minimum age requirement of 35 to run for president USA. I'm starting to think maybe there should be a maximum age limit. You should see the guy they picked to run against him and our President. Serious cognitive issues possible dementia. Doesn't know where he is most the time, doesn't know what office he's running for, or who his wife is. Has sexual assault allegations against him right now and says he doesn't remember. I kinda believe him, has a hard time remembering a lot lately.
Did the link take me to a different story then it did you?
Not sure where your post and the story go together. IDK?
Many friends Marines, I was just a Army National Guard grunt, '94, many times back then had friends borrow my military ID to get in clubs, no prob, always got in take one look at it and in. None of them could even spell my last name 😆
I was private alphabet in boot camp , drill sergeant says first mail call, Van.. VanV..fffbbnkjejhhe& "PRIVATE ALPHABET YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!"
I was private alphabet from then on.. 😆

That is awesome! 😂 We are definitely a military family here. My dad was a Marine, married one, and raised one. Our eldest is in the Navy. They have completely done away with the clubs on base. Some nonsense on how it gives the Marines a bad reputation. HA! They don't need a club for that! Although our son in the Navy parties more than our son in the Marine Corps. 🤔
My husband was on the drill field for 3 years during his career. He has so many stories about things he did to recruits, but of course, you can't touch them anymore or you face serious charges as well as a dishonorable discharge. He called it the Pepsi Generation. I think he was just mad because he couldn't treat recruits the way he was treated when he went to Perris Island in 79. 😆
:lau I probably could too with my lead foot :lau :oops:

And :lau true!! I’m home now though so I’ll just grab some clothes and some snacks for the ride and be right there ;)

And oh wow that’s amazing!!! :eek: :love

Hurry up, I'm waiting! :lau I too have a lead foot, first car was a 65 Mustang. Now I drive nothing but trucks. However, my F250 6 speed is a dangerous beast if you know how to drive a stick. Drop that Biatch down into 5th, pop the clutch, hit the gas and she is gone! Oh I am sorry you want to do 40 in a 65 zone? Eat my exhaust. It's especially fun at roundabouts when someone has been riding your tail thinking you're the reason we were not doing the speed limit. Dropdown into 2nd, hit the gas, take them on the inside and leave them in a cloud of diesel exhaust. What? I learned to drive in Southern California. I don't have road rage! :barnie:th:lau
I used to get discounts at the bar because I brought people in to watch me drink. I remember two guys arguing because I got a beer stein instead of a glass. The bartender said something along the lines of, “it’s the only way I can ring her up before getting her more. Besides, I know she can finish it.” I was given four bottles if I wasn’t doing tap.

I never went that far, but I was a tiny wee thing in my 20's so everyone would bet that I would be drunker than a skunk before they were. Not even hardly! I won $500 one night because this idiot Marine new to the unit (nobody cared for him) said there was no way I could out drink him. We went toe to toe with shots of JD, after 8 shots he was starting to look a wee green. 9 came right back up and 10 put him under. Easiest $500 I ever earned. :lau
I feel a lot better though...

Maybe theynthink it's a Scottish egg





What?!! Ridiculous!!....
There is a minimum age requirement of 35 to run for president USA. I'm starting to think maybe there should be a maximum age limit. You should see the guy they picked to run against him and our President. Serious cognitive issues possible dementia. Doesn't know where he is most the time, doesn't know what office he's running for, or who his wife is. Has sexual assault allegations against him right now and says he doesn't remember. I kinda believe him, has a hard time remembering a lot lately.
I'm just disgusted. I have mixed feelings and have read mixed reports on the usefulness of face masks for the general public. However, particularly in a hospital environment where the wearing of face masks is compulsory, it would seem entirely reasonable to follow the guidelines whether one believes they are necessary, or not. For a vice president who is apparently in overall charge of the US Covid response, Pence's behaviour is unbelievable.

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