Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Nah I don’t think that’s harsh or making light of it at all. You are right!!! And especially free ranging is going to result in losses. I have a hard time knowing what to do because they absolutely love it and it makes them so happy, plus makes the eggs taste way better, but of course they are at a huge risk free ranging so idk. I kept them in today and probably will for a few more days or week or whatever until the coyotes move on.

Yesterday I also saw an absolutely MASSIVE bird of prey but it didn’t seem interested in the birds at all. Just flew right by. And it had a tether on its leg so I think it was one of those falconer type ones especially since I’ve never seen that kind around here before. Assuming it’s well fed.

Anyway, so sorry for your losses!!! :hugs mine was a Dragonscale and so pretty. Mostly blue with some read on fins and scales and a tad bit of green. Think he got dropsy or bloated somehow but I’m not really sure. Draco was soooo personable, smart, and entertaining. The other one I lost, Flame, was just a regular red veil tail but he was cool too. But Draco was the best. 😭 always swam over to visit me.
The Dragonscales are neat! Blu was just a Veil tale but he was the outgoing one. "Oh, it peas day?? Yum!" **swims faster** He's the one who would watch me and swim around in response to whatever I was doing.
Sushi was a Halfmoon and looked like a Koi. He did nothing but strut..."Yeah, I'm awesome....and I know it! "
Litter works, but it breaks down pretty quickly in there & has to be dug out. It's a great source of compost, but also creates a lot of muck. I was using pine bark nuggets and mulch with some success for the past year or two, but the last load brought in a yellow mold, and I lost Herman the House Rooster and two of my Nankin cockerels. I REALLY don't want to go that route again!
Somewhere I saw a thread where someone used really rough mulch, more like a flat wood pile almost, in response to a mucky wet run, which was what I was thinking. Maybe the idea of the wood paver slices might work (and it would look cool too). The crusher run might also help especially after it packs and hardens. And I'm wondering if the alkaline levels in say limestone might change the ground chemistry enough to help, like the old whitewashing method used in barns. (using powdered ag lime)
The Dragonscales are neat! Blu was just a Veil tale but he was the outgoing one. "Oh, it peas day?? Yum!" **swims faster** He's the one who would watch me and swim around in response to whatever I was doing.
Sushi was a Halfmoon and looked like a Koi. He did nothing but strut..."Yeah, I'm awesome....and I know it! "

Somewhere I saw a thread where someone used really rough mulch, more like a flat wood pile almost, in response to a mucky wet run, which was what I was thinking. Maybe the idea of the wood paver slices might work (and it would look cool too). The crusher run might also help especially after it packs and hardens. And I'm wondering if the alkaline levels in say limestone might change the ground chemistry enough to help, like the old whitewashing method used in barns. (using powdered ag lime)
They really are!! He was a cool little fella!! And yours sound amazing!!! Mine would follow me around the tank and he’d even swim over to greet me when I walked up lol
Today we braved going to Trader Joe's. Social distancing to get in, monitored entrance to store, disinfected cart handles, one way wide aisles, people masked and distancing inside - all in all it was a good experience. Wonder if that is going to become the new 'normal'? They had an abundance of meat (we don't need any) and no limits on quantity. We even got hand sanitizer. :eek:
Today we braved going to Trader Joe's. Social distancing to get in, monitored entrance to store, disinfected cart handles, one way wide aisles, people masked and distancing inside - all in all it was a good experience. Wonder if that is going to become the new 'normal'? They had an abundance of meat (we don't need any) and no limits on quantity. We even got hand sanitizer. :eek:
A-A-ALMOST went to TJ yesterday but still wary since my grocery runs over the month of April. So many idiots in the store once past the wear-a-mask security checker. Then folks are going wrong way or completely blocking and oblivious to others in arrow-marked aisles, touching masks to adjust or pull down below the chin completely, wearing below the nose, and the icing: while I was waiting in 6-foot distanced checkout line watching & listening, a person walking while talking on her cell as she approached to go down the aisle next to me answered, "... Yeah, I'm sick, too."

That was 3 weeks ago. And there STILL was no TP, or face tissue, hand sanitizer or any appropriate disinfectant. Just empty cardboard case boxes on the floor. At least I'm stocked with soap and have a little purell and a can of spray disinfectant i use sparingly in the car! So I got milk, paper towels, and non-perishables which stay in car for 3 days to clear virus naturally. Certainly all had been handled by the many mask-touchers and sick other shoppers perusing the aisles before me. I treat hands, keys car door handle and steering wheel with a dab of purell when leaving the store and then hang my mask by the ear loop from a hook hung on the rear view mirror. The milk, receipt and any items used in payment transaction all in my clean bag to go inside right away get sprayed in the bag and closed up till I get home.

But today, now that there's hope in Trader Joes, I believe I WILL make my next shopping trip there!!!
@Boonie Stomper understand that this was in NJ - folks here are still scared as everyone knows someone hit with/killed by this virus so folks have been behaving. I have to admit that I did see one gloveless person pick up and reject at least a half dozen packages of green beans before she found one that suited her. :barnie
Instead of the negative postings here is a pic of some topless chicks in short skirts

Itty bitty ballet committee?

I have to admit that I did see one gloveless person pick up and reject at least a half dozen packages of green beans before she found one that suited her. :barnie

Ugh, I saw a lady last week picking through every single loaf of sliced bread until she found "the one" - which happened to be the first loaf on the shelf. :p I really try not to touch anything if I don't have to - like to select produce, I pull the bag over my hand, pick out what I want, flip the bag back over, and now it's bagged and ready. It's not for my own sake, but why should anyone else have to buy fruits or veggies (or bread) that have been pawed through for no reason?
Itty bitty ballet committee?

Ugh, I saw a lady last week picking through every single loaf of sliced bread until she found "the one" - which happened to be the first loaf on the shelf. :p I really try not to touch anything if I don't have to - like to select produce, I pull the bag over my hand, pick out what I want, flip the bag back over, and now it's bagged and ready. It's not for my own sake, but why should anyone else have to buy fruits or veggies (or bread) that have been pawed through for no reason?
I don’t touch unless I’m going to buy it. You touch it, you buy it.

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