Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Our daily zuccini bounty has been 4 or 5 biguns per day for the past 2 weeks or so!
Chickens love 'em too!

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Today I had to sing happy birthday to my sister, masked and from across the lawn. She hasn't left her house for anything but groceries/caring for my equally sequestered father since March. I brought her small cheesecake and some gifts. If she gets COVID she will die. She doesn't have any immune system. Her condition is *actually* covered by the ADA but she's still put at risk every day. It's not like she can just NOT get groceries.

She's hoping she'll be able to go with our 80 year old father to a local park to see a comet tonight. He had a stroke late last year. If a single person in the park is unmasked and refuses to stay a large distance away she'll probably have to take him home. They won't be able to move quickly to avoid being close to potential carriers since he can't walk very quickly. He hasn't left home since March either.

My other sister is wondering if she'll have to homeschool her two children this year. One of them was born very late and has some chronic health conditions that could put him at risk. He's 3 years old. She doesn't want him to get sick because it could kill him even if it just came home with his older brother.

A friend of mine, his wife has a serious spinal condition. He was out shopping and asked someone to step back from him and put on a mask. The other man bragged about it being his ADA right to not wear a mask (it's actually not because the law says you only have to offer services if they're not a hazard and you can offer alternative services like curbside pickup) and nobody got to dictate his life. Friend pointed out that if the man without a mask had COVID his wife would probably die. The response was literally "Sucks to be you".

My partners sister had to go to the hospital for non-covid reasons. She had severe blood clots in her lungs and was dying. My partner could not have gone to see her. He cannot travel because around 10 people a day walk into his grocery job unmasked. He would never be allowed to see her if he visited. - not even through glass. He spent hours crying as his sister slowly, and very barely, pulled through. She will be on medication for at least six months and isn't out of the woods yet. But he still can't go see her - his very existence is a risk to her life because people are trying to refuse to wear masks to the grocery store for a whopping 30 minutes where I live.

TSC one county over had every single employee wearing their mask wrong in the whole store. Someone came up to my partner while we were getting chicken food and demanded he help them with their shopping. When told that my partner wasn't an employee the guy said "Then why are you wearing a mask!?". Partner was just speechless and asked the man to step back and leave him alone. Getting animal feed is a harrowing experience right now.

The lack of respect for a mask request has resulted in a mask mandate state wide starting today. I'm grateful for it, the governor has a right to see it enforced by law in our state, but TBH it's too little too late. Cases have been spiking for weeks. Luckily businesses that refuse service to clients claiming ADA are within their right to do so since the ADA only covers you if you're not otherwise creating a health/safety hazard AND they can't offer alternatives (such as takeout or curbside pickup). Which if you're unmasked you fall under the definition of being a health/safety hazard. So small businesses more worried about safety than money are somewhat safer right now.

I certainly wish whether or not I had to wear a mask while dining at a restaurant while I had perfectly good food at home or from curbside grocery was my worst COVID experience. But all of this has gone down in the last two weeks. :T It's just the tip of the iceberg.

Also two confirmed cases at my partners work at the beginning of the month. And one at one of my closest friends apartment building.
Today I had to sing happy birthday to my sister, masked and from across the lawn. She hasn't left her house for anything but groceries/caring for my equally sequestered father since March. I brought her small cheesecake and some gifts. If she gets COVID she will die. She doesn't have any immune system. Her condition is *actually* covered by the ADA but she's still put at risk every day. It's not like she can just NOT get groceries.

She's hoping she'll be able to go with our 80 year old father to a local park to see a comet tonight. He had a stroke late last year. If a single person in the park is unmasked and refuses to stay a large distance away she'll probably have to take him home. They won't be able to move quickly to avoid being close to potential carriers since he can't walk very quickly. He hasn't left home since March either.

My other sister is wondering if she'll have to homeschool her two children this year. One of them was born very late and has some chronic health conditions that could put him at risk. He's 3 years old. She doesn't want him to get sick because it could kill him even if it just came home with his older brother.

A friend of mine, his wife has a serious spinal condition. He was out shopping and asked someone to step back from him and put on a mask. The other man bragged about it being his ADA right to not wear a mask (it's actually not because the law says you only have to offer services if they're not a hazard and you can offer alternative services like curbside pickup) and nobody got to dictate his life. Friend pointed out that if the man without a mask had COVID his wife would probably die. The response was literally "Sucks to be you".

My partners sister had to go to the hospital for non-covid reasons. She had severe blood clots in her lungs and was dying. My partner could not have gone to see her. He cannot travel because around 10 people a day walk into his grocery job unmasked. He would never be allowed to see her if he visited. - not even through glass. He spent hours crying as his sister slowly, and very barely, pulled through. She will be on medication for at least six months and isn't out of the woods yet. But he still can't go see her - his very existence is a risk to her life because people are trying to refuse to wear masks to the grocery store for a whopping 30 minutes where I live.

TSC one county over had every single employee wearing their mask wrong in the whole store. Someone came up to my partner while we were getting chicken food and demanded he help them with their shopping. When told that my partner wasn't an employee the guy said "Then why are you wearing a mask!?". Partner was just speechless and asked the man to step back and leave him alone. Getting animal feed is a harrowing experience right now.

The lack of respect for a mask request has resulted in a mask mandate state wide starting today. I'm grateful for it, the governor has a right to see it enforced by law in our state, but TBH it's too little too late. Cases have been spiking for weeks. Luckily businesses that refuse service to clients claiming ADA are within their right to do so since the ADA only covers you if you're not otherwise creating a health/safety hazard AND they can't offer alternatives (such as takeout or curbside pickup). Which if you're unmasked you fall under the definition of being a health/safety hazard. So small businesses more worried about safety than money are somewhat safer right now.

I certainly wish whether or not I had to wear a mask while dining at a restaurant while I had perfectly good food at home or from curbside grocery was my worst COVID experience. But all of this has gone down in the last two weeks. :T It's just the tip of the iceberg.

Also two confirmed cases at my partners work at the beginning of the month. And one at one of my closest friends apartment building.
That is just really hard to read. I'm sorry your having to deal with all that.... Makes my occasional duffus with their "me 1st" attitude seem small, in comparison with regard to my lung damage.
Today I had to sing happy birthday to my sister, masked and from across the lawn. She hasn't left her house for anything but groceries/caring for my equally sequestered father since March. I brought her small cheesecake and some gifts. If she gets COVID she will die. She doesn't have any immune system. Her condition is *actually* covered by the ADA but she's still put at risk every day. It's not like she can just NOT get groceries.

She's hoping she'll be able to go with our 80 year old father to a local park to see a comet tonight. He had a stroke late last year. If a single person in the park is unmasked and refuses to stay a large distance away she'll probably have to take him home. They won't be able to move quickly to avoid being close to potential carriers since he can't walk very quickly. He hasn't left home since March either.

My other sister is wondering if she'll have to homeschool her two children this year. One of them was born very late and has some chronic health conditions that could put him at risk. He's 3 years old. She doesn't want him to get sick because it could kill him even if it just came home with his older brother.

A friend of mine, his wife has a serious spinal condition. He was out shopping and asked someone to step back from him and put on a mask. The other man bragged about it being his ADA right to not wear a mask (it's actually not because the law says you only have to offer services if they're not a hazard and you can offer alternative services like curbside pickup) and nobody got to dictate his life. Friend pointed out that if the man without a mask had COVID his wife would probably die. The response was literally "Sucks to be you".

My partners sister had to go to the hospital for non-covid reasons. She had severe blood clots in her lungs and was dying. My partner could not have gone to see her. He cannot travel because around 10 people a day walk into his grocery job unmasked. He would never be allowed to see her if he visited. - not even through glass. He spent hours crying as his sister slowly, and very barely, pulled through. She will be on medication for at least six months and isn't out of the woods yet. But he still can't go see her - his very existence is a risk to her life because people are trying to refuse to wear masks to the grocery store for a whopping 30 minutes where I live.

TSC one county over had every single employee wearing their mask wrong in the whole store. Someone came up to my partner while we were getting chicken food and demanded he help them with their shopping. When told that my partner wasn't an employee the guy said "Then why are you wearing a mask!?". Partner was just speechless and asked the man to step back and leave him alone. Getting animal feed is a harrowing experience right now.

The lack of respect for a mask request has resulted in a mask mandate state wide starting today. I'm grateful for it, the governor has a right to see it enforced by law in our state, but TBH it's too little too late. Cases have been spiking for weeks. Luckily businesses that refuse service to clients claiming ADA are within their right to do so since the ADA only covers you if you're not otherwise creating a health/safety hazard AND they can't offer alternatives (such as takeout or curbside pickup). Which if you're unmasked you fall under the definition of being a health/safety hazard. So small businesses more worried about safety than money are somewhat safer right now.

I certainly wish whether or not I had to wear a mask while dining at a restaurant while I had perfectly good food at home or from curbside grocery was my worst COVID experience. But all of this has gone down in the last two weeks. :T It's just the tip of the iceberg.

Also two confirmed cases at my partners work at the beginning of the month. And one at one of my closest friends apartment building.
Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry about all this. I will pray that you and yours will be all right in this.
And happy birthday to your sister. I hope that she can enjoy the comet with her father tonight.
Good health and safety to you and your family, ChocolateMouse.
Thank you. I don't want to diminish other peoples problems. Other health issues, mask phobias, etc are real, it can be hard and it can still be the only moral option.

I hope people think twice about taking actions that put other people at risk. If someone really loves our country they should be working to protect everyone in it. We have already had people we know die from this disease. We could not attend their funerals. Other friends have gotten sick and luckily recovered.

Patriots wear masks and protect their fellow american citizens - even when it's difficult.

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