Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I’m also out of ways to say those less than 100% effective measures are killing the economy.
Facts: cases still rising, masks and lockdowns have already happened and implementing more of the same will most likely do more harm than good.
I never said nobody should wear a mask? I said they have no proof they’re helping. You guys are hung up on the mask thing.
See, I never argued with you about the economy because I don't feel the concern for the economy should trump the safety of human beings. But again, we won't agree on that because its difference in *morals* and *priorities*
See, I never argued with you about the effect on the economy because I don't feel the concern for the economy should trump the safety of human beings. But again, we won't agree on that because its difference in *morals* and *priorities*
Without the economy how do you feed everyone? Let me guess money just falls from the sky around you? 🤣
Ah yes.
If we make -minor policy change like masks or seatbelts- mandatory to the point of genuine enforcement the economy will crash.
Imperceptible logic.

Just for fun not all states require seatbelts. NH doesn’t and there’s still a bunch that don’t require backseat passengers to wear one. This proves my point perfectly you’ll never get everyone on board no matter how hard you wish for it. 🤣
I don't feel the need to even address it, because it should not take precedent over the safety of human beings. Full stop.

I agree. I mean, also the economy is already crashing too because lots of people refuse to work because of unsafe conditions and being sick no hiring, etc....

But also the non sequitur is EXTREMELY strong here.

Like, what's gonna happen? People gonna refuse to wear pants if we make pants mandatory and the economy crashes?
Oh no! Better general strike! Shirts are now required at restaurants!
Go check out a third world

Just for fun not all states require seatbelts. NH doesn’t and there’s still a bunch that don’t require backseat passengers to wear one. This proves my point perfectly you’ll never get everyone on board no matter how hard you wish for it. 🤣

Ok bby, u work on repealing all those evil laws making ppl do things then. We'll just chill here and keep trying to literally stay alive.

(Lemme know when you get to robbery. I really wanna steal from you for my benefit since you refuse to venmo me. It's my right to do what's good for me regardless of it's impact on you afterall.)
Just for fun not all states require seatbelts. NH doesn’t and there’s still a bunch that don’t require backseat passengers to wear one. This proves my point perfectly you’ll never get everyone on board no matter how hard you wish for it. 🤣
Are we arguing states rights to make their own laws or the science of the virus? Because, your "Point" changes everytime I prove you wrong.

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