Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Then I again discount your assertion. See how that works? I form an opinion based upon the presentation of evidence. :thumbsup
Clearly you knew that was BS. 🙄
Seriously though you guys cannot honestly expect everyone to act like and do the things you are doing. It will never happen. Some people just don’t care and no matter what you say they’ll never change their minds. Could be because they haven’t been affected...yet or it could be that they have already tested positive but showed no symptoms. That’s the real problem you’re just not going to be able to convince them otherwise. In a free thinking society a certain percentage of people just wont listen and won’t care.
I’m also out of ways to say those less than 100% effective measures are killing the economy.
Facts: cases still rising, masks and lockdowns have already happened and implementing more of the same will most likely do more harm than good.
I never said nobody should wear a mask? I said they have no proof they’re helping. You guys are hung up on the mask thing.
I probably sound ignorant but , I for one would like to see multiple studies before I put a face diaper on..

The control they are trying to achieve on private businesses is also not right. I know of a few business owners who have had to closed their doors and couldn't recover.

I believe During the great depression 7million people died from starvation. Not including suicide .
That's the most insulting thing you've said all night, and I cannot forgive it. You may never have a brownie from the Kingdom. I hate to be so dramatic about this, but I am from the South after all. :confused:
I do apologize over the brownies. I did not mean to be hurtful but ya never know you *could* think brownies are supposed to be muffin like. 🤣

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