Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I want special vaccination outreach efforts to the unemployed and homeless just as much as you do. (you do know that those efforts cost some money, yes?)

That being said, the nurses in your local area who walked out will be probably be on that very same unemployment line really soon. The nurses that I have read who refused to be vaccinated are not covered by unemployment, because they have been fired. They were fired for violating a workplace safety directive.
Heres the outreach:
You have 3 months to provide a vaccination card, or your benefits will be cut off.
They were cut off for violating a new policy requirement for receiving their benefit.

Also, the workplace changed their employment requirements. They can require all new hires to get it, but they should be grandfathered in, especially since healthcare providers can’t find enough nurses to work now anywhere by me.
I think the resentment is over the fact that mandates cover the employed, but no similar requirements for those receiving assistance--whatever their reason for getting them.
The problem is that it costs MONEY to do vaccine outreach to a mobile population like unemployed people. It costs a lot of money to find these people and to get them vaccinated.

The only easy place you could "catch" an unemployed person who is receiving benefits to give them a shot would probably be in the benefits office itself. Employers who receive resumes don't register job applicants in their workforce until the person is hired, so workplaces would not work.

What if the unemployment office were in Texas or Florida, where anti-vaxxers are the governors and would prohibit such an outreach effort in state unemployment offices?

Think about it. Generally, the same people who would feel this sort of resentment against unemployed people and who make this sort of demand are not willing to foot the bill to get this job done, worthy as it would be. Once again, THIS COSTS MONEY.

People who aren't receiving unemployment benefits are much harder and more expensive to "catch" to get them vaccinated. That's a Ph.D. thesis in shoe-leather epidemiology.
Heres the outreach:
You have 3 months to provide a vaccination card, or your benefits will be cut off.
They were cut off for violating a new policy requirement for receiving their benefit.

Also, the workplace changed their employment requirements. They can require all new hires to get it, but they should be grandfathered in, especially since healthcare providers can’t find enough nurses to work now anywhere by me.
Grandfathering in the older employees is not fair to the new ones. All employees would need to be vaccinated.
Grandfathering in the older employees is not fair to the new ones. All employees would need to be vaccinated.
For teachers in NY, we are now required to have a masters. Previous teachers from years ago did not have to have a masters. They were grandfathered in. I knew that when I was hired and thought it was indeed fair. Requiring the teachers who had taught for 20 years to need something new for employment would not have been fair.

Same with residency requirement for police in my area. They could live in any city. New hires have to have residence in the city they were hired in. Old cops were grandfathered in.
Except this “vaccine” (which I did get), does not prevent me from getting or spreading isn’t really a vaccine. I got other vaccines and I will not get those diseases.
The only reason the measles and other vaccines prevent you from getting those diseases is because enough of a percentage of people are usually vaccinated to prevent the diseases from spreading.

There was a measles outbreak at Disneyland a few years ago. The measles vaccine didn't "fail." What happened was that a number of unvaccinated kids spread measles around. Yes, because of the anti-vaccine movement.
For teachers in NY, we are now required to have a masters. Previous teachers from years ago did not have to have a masters. They were grandfathered in. I knew that when I was hired and thought it was indeed fair. Requiring the teachers who had taught for 20 years to need something new for employment would not have been fair.

Same with residency requirement for police in my area. They could live in any city. New hires have to have residence in the city they were hired in. Old cops were grandfathered in.
That's still not fair, especially for a vaccine that takes a grand total of a few minutes to receive.
Another point. If someone is getting government funded healthcare (Medicare or Medicaid) in the US, shouldn’t the person be required to get vaccinated since the country (citizens) are paying for it if that person were to get sick from covid? That theoretically would protect that individual from getting very sick & save the US tax dollars for paying for their care.
I would agree with that.

Unfortunately, these agencies will still take care of heavy cigarette smokers even though that should be prohibited as well.

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