Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

A friend of mine has Covid.

She and I hung out on Thursday. No masks.

She tested positive on Friday, which I only found out today.
I've had no symptoms at all, but I am not allowed to go to school per exposure policy.
I believe that is way over the top.

If I had Covid, I'd have Covid.
But then they say you can be spreading it without symptoms.
It's all a big hoax.
Everything from not allowing certain businesses to remain open because they weren’t deemed essential, masks, social distancing (personal favorite), continuing with more and more vaccines while certain companies make billions, and just generally making it harder for the average person to enjoy life.
I hear you on that one. It took us over sixteen months to get a septic system built, all because of covid restrictions. I mean who needs a working bathroom.
I hear you on that one. It took us over sixteen months to get a septic system built, all because of covid restrictions. I mean who needs a working bathroom.
The place we bought our wood burner from charged us up front. Didnt complete the work for 3 months and not only did shoddy work but installed dented pipe and over charged. The owner was supposed to get back to us for a refund on what we didnt receive. Never heard back. Drove by the other day and the place is for lease.
Please note that the right to life preceeds the right to to liberty and happiness. My right to life supercedes anyone else's right to pursue their happiness at the risk of my life. So if it would make someone happy to, say, set my house on fire, which would endanger my life, the Constitution protects my right to life over their right to "happiness." It also puts my right to life over their right to the liberty to do that. My 7th-grade civics teacher made it very clear that "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins."

See where I'm going with this?
You make absolutely no sense.

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