Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

We left because we were searching for truth. We had exhausted our options in the Amish setting. We had gone to everyone (counselors, spiritual guides etc...) that we thought should have answers to our questions which were spiritual in nature because of what we were reading in the bible. Non could give us satisfactory biblical answers to satisfy the longing within to be guilt free. I carried a burden around that I had no idea how to get rid of and no one in the Amish setting ever told us to: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. There really wasn't a real repenting of sin, it was simply "get baptized" and that will take care of all your problems. I got baptized at 22 and it simply added to my problems because everything that I was told would happen "if you only get baptized" didn't happen, none of it. My conscience was not cleansed by baptism.
Three years later I got married. That pretty quickly went downhill hard. It was the bad marriage that made me desperate to find answers to my problems. Divorce was not an option, I was convinced that it was up to me to find a solution and if that meant leaving the Amish setting, I was willing to do it. It was very difficult to leave.
It wasn't until we left the Amish setting and we were in a church group that we were comfortable with, that someone preached a message on, The Worth Of A Soul. The way he described what Jesus went through to rescue me from my sin, just pierced the hard shell that I had erected around myself. I finally began in a small way to understand the absolute LOVE that Jesus had for me. It was that absolute PURE LOVE that found it's way into my heart and conscience, that convicted me to repent (turn away from) the wrong things in my life and there was plenty to repent of. I knew that there had been a change within initially, but I didn't really get the full realization of it until 2 months afterward. At the time I worked for an outdoor furniture manufacturer and happened to be alone at the shop, as we called it. For some reason I don't understand, as I was working and reflecting on my life, I suddenly realized that, I'm not guilty anymore! It was a very refreshing freeing moment! I was able to back track in my mind to the exact time that I was set free from my sin. To this day I remember it as though it happened yesterday.
This is the short version.
I am so glad you found a good church group that could help you. :hugs ♥️♥️
We left because we were searching for truth. We had exhausted our options in the Amish setting. We had gone to everyone (counselors, spiritual guides etc...) that we thought should have answers to our questions which were spiritual in nature because of what we were reading in the bible. Non could give us satisfactory biblical answers to satisfy the longing within to be guilt free. I carried a burden around that I had no idea how to get rid of and no one in the Amish setting ever told us to: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. There really wasn't a real repenting of sin, it was simply "get baptized" and that will take care of all your problems. I got baptized at 22 and it simply added to my problems because everything that I was told would happen "if you only get baptized" didn't happen, none of it. My conscience was not cleansed by baptism.
Three years later I got married. That pretty quickly went downhill hard. It was the bad marriage that made me desperate to find answers to my problems. Divorce was not an option, I was convinced that it was up to me to find a solution and if that meant leaving the Amish setting, I was willing to do it. It was very difficult to leave.
It wasn't until we left the Amish setting and we were in a church group that we were comfortable with, that someone preached a message on, The Worth Of A Soul. The way he described what Jesus went through to rescue me from my sin, just pierced the hard shell that I had erected around myself. I finally began in a small way to understand the absolute LOVE that Jesus had for me. It was that absolute PURE LOVE that found it's way into my heart and conscience, that convicted me to repent (turn away from) the wrong things in my life and there was plenty to repent of. I knew that there had been a change within initially, but I didn't really get the full realization of it until 2 months afterward. At the time I worked for an outdoor furniture manufacturer and happened to be alone at the shop, as we called it. For some reason I don't understand, as I was working and reflecting on my life, I suddenly realized that, I'm not guilty anymore! It was a very refreshing freeing moment! I was able to back track in my mind to the exact time that I was set free from my sin. To this day I remember it as though it happened yesterday.
This is the short version.
Beautiful testimony, Troyer, thanks for sharing. :hugs Come see us in the Prayer Warriors thread I think you'll enjoy it. It's in Social > Family > Prayer Warriors, Everybody welcome.
We left because we were searching for truth. We had exhausted our options in the Amish setting. We had gone to everyone (counselors, spiritual guides etc...) that we thought should have answers to our questions which were spiritual in nature because of what we were reading in the bible. Non could give us satisfactory biblical answers to satisfy the longing within to be guilt free. I carried a burden around that I had no idea how to get rid of and no one in the Amish setting ever told us to: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. There really wasn't a real repenting of sin, it was simply "get baptized" and that will take care of all your problems. I got baptized at 22 and it simply added to my problems because everything that I was told would happen "if you only get baptized" didn't happen, none of it. My conscience was not cleansed by baptism.
Three years later I got married. That pretty quickly went downhill hard. It was the bad marriage that made me desperate to find answers to my problems. Divorce was not an option, I was convinced that it was up to me to find a solution and if that meant leaving the Amish setting, I was willing to do it. It was very difficult to leave.
It wasn't until we left the Amish setting and we were in a church group that we were comfortable with, that someone preached a message on, The Worth Of A Soul. The way he described what Jesus went through to rescue me from my sin, just pierced the hard shell that I had erected around myself. I finally began in a small way to understand the absolute LOVE that Jesus had for me. It was that absolute PURE LOVE that found it's way into my heart and conscience, that convicted me to repent (turn away from) the wrong things in my life and there was plenty to repent of. I knew that there had been a change within initially, but I didn't really get the full realization of it until 2 months afterward. At the time I worked for an outdoor furniture manufacturer and happened to be alone at the shop, as we called it. For some reason I don't understand, as I was working and reflecting on my life, I suddenly realized that, I'm not guilty anymore! It was a very refreshing freeing moment! I was able to back track in my mind to the exact time that I was set free from my sin. To this day I remember it as though it happened yesterday.
This is the short version.
I guess I'm a little confused. What do you mean by the truth? I'm glad you were able to find peace with God and have this spiritual revelation. Could it be the truth was to why and you had to find your why? I was raised Lutheran and constantly questioned why. It took me years to find my faith and I ended up back where I started. But God spoke to me that day and it suddenly all made sense.
We left because we were searching for truth. We had exhausted our options in the Amish setting. We had gone to everyone (counselors, spiritual guides etc...) that we thought should have answers to our questions which were spiritual in nature because of what we were reading in the bible. Non could give us satisfactory biblical answers to satisfy the longing within to be guilt free. I carried a burden around that I had no idea how to get rid of and no one in the Amish setting ever told us to: Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. There really wasn't a real repenting of sin, it was simply "get baptized" and that will take care of all your problems. I got baptized at 22 and it simply added to my problems because everything that I was told would happen "if you only get baptized" didn't happen, none of it. My conscience was not cleansed by baptism.
Three years later I got married. That pretty quickly went downhill hard. It was the bad marriage that made me desperate to find answers to my problems. Divorce was not an option, I was convinced that it was up to me to find a solution and if that meant leaving the Amish setting, I was willing to do it. It was very difficult to leave.
It wasn't until we left the Amish setting and we were in a church group that we were comfortable with, that someone preached a message on, The Worth Of A Soul. The way he described what Jesus went through to rescue me from my sin, just pierced the hard shell that I had erected around myself. I finally began in a small way to understand the absolute LOVE that Jesus had for me. It was that absolute PURE LOVE that found it's way into my heart and conscience, that convicted me to repent (turn away from) the wrong things in my life and there was plenty to repent of. I knew that there had been a change within initially, but I didn't really get the full realization of it until 2 months afterward. At the time I worked for an outdoor furniture manufacturer and happened to be alone at the shop, as we called it. For some reason I don't understand, as I was working and reflecting on my life, I suddenly realized that, I'm not guilty anymore! It was a very refreshing freeing moment! I was able to back track in my mind to the exact time that I was set free from my sin. To this day I remember it as though it happened yesterday.
This is the short version.
Congrats. Touching story!
I guess I'm a little confused. What do you mean by the truth? I'm glad you were able to find peace with God and have this spiritual revelation. Could it be the truth was to why and you had to find your why? I was raised Lutheran and constantly questioned why. It took me years to find my faith and I ended up back where I started. But God spoke to me that day and it suddenly all made sense.
Amish and Christian does not go hand in hand. The two are very separate to those of us that were in it. There are good principles within the Amish that work as well as anywhere else. When push comes to shove, Amish tradition is more important than biblical truth.
Amish and Christian does not go hand in hand. The two are very separate to those of us that were in it. There are good principles within the Amish that work as well as anywhere else. When push comes to shove, Amish tradition is more important than biblical truth.
Often the case in many denominations.
I guess I'm a little confused. What do you mean by the truth? I'm glad you were able to find peace with God and have this spiritual revelation. Could it be the truth was to why and you had to find your why? I was raised Lutheran and constantly questioned why. It took me years to find my faith and I ended up back where I started. But God spoke to me that day and it suddenly all made sense.
I never questioned why I was raised Amish. At an early age (8-15) I had questions for my parents that they really struggled to answer fully. I was a bookworm and read anything I got my hands on. We had various bibles that were written in more of a storybook form than the KJV which we had for our English version. Our church and devotions version was the Luther German Bible. Most of us were taught to read that German in school. Most of us that learned to read it, did not learn to understand what we were reading. We were able to understand some of the words, but not nearly all of them. Our worship was in German, but not nearly all of us understood what we heard. That is part of Amish tradition being more important than Bible truth.
I read and re-read that storybook version. I was intrigued by it, I really couldn't get enough of it. As I got older I switched to the KJV as that was the only english version we had at the time. I read the bible so much (age 12-14) that my Dad finally warned me that reading the bible as much as I was reading it was actually a bit dangerous. When I questioned why, he said that the people that read the bible a lot usually end up not staying in the Amish setting. I stopped reading as much because I didn't want to be led astray by my excessive reading. I never had a desire to leave the Amish setting before we left. It was very difficult to leave because I wanted to be Amish, but I desperately needed help. If we had not left before being with that first non Amish church we would have gotten punished for seeking help outside of the Amish setting. We have never regretted leaving, because we now have a good marriage and relationship, but not without a lot of hard work and sacrifice.

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