Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Husband had it in February-has double pneumonia and ended up in the hospital the hospital did little for treatment and I really learned how to advocate for a person for the right medical treatment-if the treatment wasn’t part of their protocol they would not do it even if it’s something simple like antibiotics or vitamins-it’s no wonder many people are dying in the hospital it’s not from the Covid it’s the lack of treatment -no sputum test to find out if the fluid in his lungs was really bacterial or viral-it was just a complete nightmare-if you have someone with a compromise immune system please research know you can advocate for that person for a better treatment option patients do have rights
Husband had it in February-has double pneumonia and ended up in the hospital the hospital did little for treatment and I really learned how to advocate for a person for the right medical treatment-if the treatment wasn’t part of their protocol they would not do it even if it’s something simple like antibiotics or vitamins-it’s no wonder many people are dying in the hospital it’s not from the Covid it’s the lack of treatment -no sputum test to find out if the fluid in his lungs was really bacterial or viral-it was just a complete nightmare-if you have someone with a compromise immune system please research know you can advocate for that person for a better treatment option patients do have rights
Hope that your husband is well on the road to recovery.
Husband had it in February-has double pneumonia and ended up in the hospital the hospital did little for treatment and I really learned how to advocate for a person for the right medical treatment-if the treatment wasn’t part of their protocol they would not do it even if it’s something simple like antibiotics or vitamins-it’s no wonder many people are dying in the hospital it’s not from the Covid it’s the lack of treatment -no sputum test to find out if the fluid in his lungs was really bacterial or viral-it was just a complete nightmare-if you have someone with a compromise immune system please research know you can advocate for that person for a better treatment option patients do have rights
The owner of the company I work for got it. If we didn't advocate he'd be dead from their treatment. He's 92 and alive because remdesiver was refused
Supply chain BS. I've been wanting to replace my refrigerator and stove. Checked some places online and ended up at a nearby lowes.
They have several long lines of appliances on display. Had a nice employee helping me. They only had 2 refrigerators and 1 stove in stock. Most others had "wait dates" as far out as January. She said they had a few they were going to pull because they were told no time soon???

Makes NO sense. :barnie
Supply chain BS. I've been wanting to replace my refrigerator and stove. Checked some places online and ended up at a nearby lowes.
They have several long lines of appliances on display. Had a nice employee helping me. They only had 2 refrigerators and 1 stove in stock. Most others had "wait dates" as far out as January. She said they had a few they were going to pull because they were told no time soon???

Makes NO sense. :barnie
Well if it's made in the USA you have trucker problems and if its made elsewhere you have transportation problems. Either way they're just using it as a crutch to hide (rather poorly) inflation. Just like they say they're "creating jobs" but really they're allowing people to go back to work
Supply chain BS. I've been wanting to replace my refrigerator and stove. Checked some places online and ended up at a nearby lowes.
They have several long lines of appliances on display. Had a nice employee helping me. They only had 2 refrigerators and 1 stove in stock. Most others had "wait dates" as far out as January. She said they had a few they were going to pull because they were told no time soon???

Makes NO sense. :barnie
China still has lockdowns every so often.

There's still a chip shortage too. Everything seems to have a chip in it.

Also lots of people decided they didn't need the money from a second job in the family or retired or died. So good jobs opened up and people switched jobs...Lots of crummy job openings.
China still has lockdowns every so often.

There's still a chip shortage too. Everything seems to have a chip in it.

Also lots of people decided they didn't need the money from a second job in the family or retired or died. So good jobs opened up and people switched jobs...Lots of crummy job openings.
You can't throw a stick and not hit a place that's hiring and the turn over is immense because they're having to hire people they normally wouldn't because they're desperate for bodies. I've had businesses around me forced to change their hours because their employees aren't willing to work certain hours.

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