Cosmos is not feeling well, egg bound?


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Aug 23, 2020
I noticed yesterday afternoon that Cosmos was not herself, she is a Golden Comet pullet, not sure exact age but she started laying in July/ August. When I let the girls out to free range I saw she didn't come right out, she was puffed up and had her head pulled in close to her chest. After a few minutes she slowly walked out of the coop and started eating grass and roamed almost normally, slower than usual, but she ate and scratched and pecked, and when I put them up she had a reasonable full crop, which is empty this morning. She's still not feeling well this morning.

She would have laid an egg yesterday, but there was one egg that was narrower than usual and had a wrinkle all the way around, I have no way of knowing if it was hers, but it was an abnormal egg, and a little darker colored too. Could she be egg bound? Any ideas to help her out?


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In the picture she does look egg bound. Her back is pointing down and she isn’t standing like a normal hen who is not egg bound. But I would make a warm bath but make sure it’s not hot just warm and put a generously amount of epsom salt in her bath. Then I would move her away from the others. I put my hen in a big dog crate when she was egg bound but put her in a dark quite place. And make sure she has plenty of oysters shells crushed and/or grit because that helps chickens pass an egg. Even some dried herbs will keep her calm for her to pass the egg. Make her a nest in the cage and I added a rooster because she just had to have a rooster to sleep or else she would start clucking. Hope this helped it took my hen a week and when she passed the egg it had a clear rubbery film over egg. But do the bath thing every day even two times a day will be good.
One Epsom salt bath down, she did really well. She had a big runny poo shortly thereafter, no egg yet, but she's much perkier. I have 3 GC's and only 2 eggs today, so I'm assuming she didn't lay. I let the others out except Red and Echo while she got her bath since they are calmer than the others. They all did fine for awhile staying in the run then Cosmos got really restless. I have her out now and she's going about like nothing is wrong, except her tail is low part of the time. Other times she looks totally normal.


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We had 3 GC eggs today so Cosmos has laid an egg! It's 36 deg and raining so a bit hard to tell how Cosmos is feeling, as all the girls are disgruntled and fluffed up. I'll keep an eye on her, thank you Camilladavisss for the help!
We had 3 GC eggs today so Cosmos has laid an egg! It's 36 deg and raining so a bit hard to tell how Cosmos is feeling, as all the girls are disgruntled and fluffed up. I'll keep an eye on her, thank you Camilladavisss for the help!
Your totally welcome glad she laid her egg!

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