Coturnix Confusion


13 Years
Jul 20, 2008
So I am a little confused about raising Coturnix.
Here's my plan of attack for next spring/February, maybe. Criticisms and comments please!

1. Get eggs from monarc!!!! Woot!
(once neighbors give permission
2. Incubate in a Hovabator or other. (where to get them? how expensive?)
- Temp 100
- Humidity 65% for the first fourteen days, 80-85% for the last 3-4
- Turning the eggs at least three times a day so a different side is up
during the long nights
- And the confusion begins: how often should I candle?
When should I stop turning the eggs? Should the eggs be on their sides or in cartons, small side down? The undeveloped eggs should be removed, right?

3. When all the chicks are hatched, will I need to give them water? I know the yolk nourishes them for 72 hours, but can i give food before then? How long should they be in there, before moving to a brooder?

4. Can I keep say 15 chicks in a 26 gallon aquarium until they are a/b 2 wks? What outdoor housing is needed for these guys in COLD Minnesota winters (it's 22 now)?

Thanks all so much! Note: I have read monarc's great page on these guys, but I am just making sure I got this whole thing right....
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Food and water shouldn't go in the incubator - should go in the brooder after you take the chicks out of the incubator. Most I've had was 30 something jumbo coturnix and the big plastic tubs work well. After a week or two, had to split into two tubs with two feeders each. They are little piggies.
I was just trying to imagine 120 eggs hatching with any room left in the bator!

I leave mine in the incubator for several hours if at all possible. Almost all of my post hatch mortality results from piling in the brooder. I've left the last two batches in the incubator until they are strong enough to be able to get out from under the pile. Out of the last two large hatches I've had we've only lost 3.

I don't have room to have them in the incubator. Even if I did, I would not put any water dish in there at all. Each individual has their own approach that works for them and I was just interested in someone else's approach. Apparently all of mine are hatched thinking they are ducks if there is any possible way for them to get themselves wet they do it! lol

I hatch 120 at a time and use 106 quart plastic totes. 60 chicks is all I'll put in one. They stay in the totes for about 10 days then I move them to cages. I keep heat lamps with them until they can handle the temp in my garage.

And I second the fact they are pigs when it comes to eating. I use turkey starter exclusively. I wet it and stir it until it becomes a paste. It saves on a lot of waste, but it takes time to prepare several times a day. I try to make enough first thing in the morning to last me all day. After they go the cages I just run the feed through the food processor before I give it to them until they are old enough to eat the crumbles.

I use an extra small gladware bowl as a waterer, so there is no way they can get anything but their beaks in it, except for maybe a toe

Here's a pic of the one I use, granted this is after the hatch in the brooder, but it is the same thing.


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