Coturnix Hen Eye Problem


Jan 28, 2021
Hello, new user and first time raising quail. Has anyone seen this drooping eye problem before? I'm not sure if it's genetic or a possible infection. This hen has this in both eyes since she grew out. She's active and able to intuitively find food and water but walks into things and seems oblivious to the other birds which leads me to believe she's partially blind. She doesn't bath and has a fluffed up and dirty appearance. No other obvious signs of infection. She was the runt and always had trouble competing. My hatch is 6 weeks and I am culling some males and considering culling this hen if I can't take care of her. Any advice appreciated.

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I haven’t seen that before, but she might have under developed eyes which are smaller than normal. I have several blind quail and they do ok, some better than others.
I've have only seen this once!...twice now! I had a Bob, that tried hatching and was 'stuck', too much humidity at hatch time. So I opened the incubator to reduce the humidity....that caused it to become 'shrink wrapped'....the membrane dried out over it's eye and when removing the shell and membrane (assisted hatch) I noticed it caused the condition your bird has now!

It may have been caused during development though? ....the embryo can get stuck to the membrane if not turned often enough....I was using a still air bator and hand turning...back in the 'dark ages' before auto everything incubators.

It could be a genetic deformity as well, although, it's not a common development deformity in quail. AKA- 'droopy eye' syndrome. A deficiency of Vtamin E and A in the parents feed ration can also cause eye defects in the embryos, many times it causes blindness.

As far as culling, that's your decision, if it's eating, no mobility issues, and is otherwise fine, I'd leave it be....but I wouldn't keep her as a breeder.
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