Coturnix Quail - 3 weeks old


7 Years
Jan 7, 2013
Hi all,

I am brand new to this forum and to raising quail. My cousin incubates and raises quail. He had a "bad batch" of eggs that he ordered and only two (out of twenty eggs) hatched. I joked about wanting them, me being a bird lover. He has a new batch of eggs coming, so he decided to give me the two quail for Christmas. Both male.

They have been doing pretty well. I have a heat lamp, I clean their cage twice a day, keep them inside the garage - everything seems fine.... but I noticed that one of the quail has had a sort of twitch in his neck, to where he looks like he has a stiff neck. Today I noticed he was kind of stumbling around a little bit more, so I decided to stick my hand next to him, and I really think that he was maybe born blind in one eye. Has anyone ever heard of this? Will it progress and get worse?

I took these two in for pets only. I have no interest in breeding or eating. I like them as pets for my yard. My second concern is, there are only two. When I clean their cage and separate them for even a second, they cry and cry until they are re-united. The other one is fat and healthy and in perfect condition. Can they live alone? If his brother does pass, what am I going to do for my healthy guy? I'm so worried about them both and my cousin says I am coddling them.

Thanks all.... I really hope my little one eyed fella pulls through. He seemed healthy this entire time and maybe I am just worrying too much. But even my mom looked at him when he was only a week old and said "Oh, what's wrong with that one?"

"NOTHING!", I replied, hehe. Obviously in denial.
Looks like he isn't doing too well. He keeps rolling around and doing flips in his box. I tried to separate him from his brother, but he freaked out. Any humane way I can put him down, out of his misery? He is suffering. No one has ever been through this? Ugh.
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Aww, poor baby (you AND the quail). :( It doesn't sound like he's in good shape. I don't have a lot of experience will illness/disease, but it sounds like something neurological.

The quickest way to put them down is a quick blow to the head with something heavy, as gruesome as that sounds. Some people make little CO2 chambers that put them to sleep, and it's not too complicated--but someone else will have to give you instructions, or you can do a search on here, because I've never done it.

If he's on his way out, he probably won't suffer long anyway, for what it's worth. I know it's so hard to watch them suffer.

As for the healthy, hearty little guy, would your friend consider selling you a female or two? A little female companionship will go a long way toward easing his grief. Quail are social animals and it's normal for them to be lonely without other quail.

In the meantime, a little mirror in the cage can help him feel less lonely.

Best of luck with both. I hope someone is able to help you with the sick one.
Thank you for replying. Saturn seems to be doing better today. I'm baffled. I only saw him do one "somersault" today. Then I was thinking that maybe he was dusting himself in his food. I've attached a video:

Glad I didn't "put him down"! I have NO idea what's wrong with him. He does have diarrhea.
Not sure if he's just sick? I have no idea!
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Just for reference, if you do find that you need to euthanize a small pet, this method is the least gruesome method and it's pretty fast:

I've used it on small rodents and estrilids, but not quail. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work on them, too, though.
The diarrhea could be maybe because he hasn't been eating much due to his nerves? I have a goose with a neurological disorder. He stumbles about, some days worse than others. He has his ups and downs. Sometimes when he is having a bad day he'll eat less and get diarrhea that goes away after a while. During this time I put vitamins in his water so he gets some nutrients in him. Maybe try giving your quail some vitamins?
Thanks all for the suggestions. I just looked at the link on how to put him down. I came home tonight and he was laying on his side in a pool of blood. I guess he can't walk now, so he's bloodied up his foot or something? I don't even want to look. I feel so badly for him, I don't know what to do. Let him suffer and die in peace or put him down? I can't do it. It's so sad.

Once he is gone, one last question.... his brother is alone. Can I put a pet store dove in with the healthy one, so he isn't alone? I don't think raising quail is for me. I can't handle when they get sick.

Thanks again all.....
Just so you all know, I called my vet and they are going to put him down for FREE. Yay! Poor little guy. They said it was probably neurological.

Thanks for everything all.
I think he was born weak, (cause 2 out of 20, might be contamination of the egg).

Any who, most of the time quail know they are about to die, and yet they WILL put on a brave show, they will show you no sign of being sick, or worried, or concerned, they will go about their day as usual (maybe a little more sitting than usual) but that's it and then they will die. I'm just saying that (i dunno why)

Any who, quail aren't as smart or intellectual as parrots who can have capabilities of having intelligence equal to that of a 3-year old, or even to memorize words.

They can probably memorize who it is talking, who is it they're looking at, who is touching/handling them. So, most likely the fat male will forget about the other male once he passes (not right away, but eventually), another sad thought is that he will crow for a super long time if he sees em die, and a long time if he dies/ doesn't come back for a long time. (I have never seen or heard of quail getting emotionally attached to someone or something, even male to female pairs)

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