Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

I processed the last of the quail. I moved the breeders. Into a section of a chicken coop made into a rabbit hutch.

They are in the right section. Its 2x4ft. The back section is a wooden box. The front has a wire bottom, wire front and wire inside wall. I closed up the big hole an made a small quail size door.

Do I need to do anything else for them for the winter?
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Cover the draft areas with plastic sheeting that means all the way to the ground too because the wind blowing up through the wire floor can chill the birds. You only need to plastic when temps get down near or below freezing. If you do to much to keep your quail comfy they won't grown their proper winter feathers.
Would it be better if I moved them back in the garage for the winter? I had to move the silly things into the covered house last night. The garage is a cinder block building. Its not heated so the temps are just as cold, but no drafts.
Honestly just the 4mil plastic sheeting from home depot or a garden store is plenty of protection. Wild coturnix exist primarily in Russia and Northern China so they are adapted for cold weather it just doesn't seem like it.
Okay I got all the doors and area below the hutch wrapped in plastic. I added a 75 watt bulb to the quail side. Now I have a question. Will they need vents to get the stinky smell out. If so were do I put it? I've been told the rabbits will be fine that they do good in the cold. Its supposed to be 20* at the end of the week so that means it could be in the teens. I also moved all the water bottles in to the quail side hoping they don't freeze. The light is in the nest box side.
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Get rid of that light before you do more harm than good with it. If there is a heat source in the cage the quail won't grow in their down feathers which keep them warm in the winter. So that day the power goes out and your heat source is gone you'll lose all your quail to the cold. You do want a venting area at the top just a strip of open cage or whatever there is a lot of ammonia in their poo.

edit to add: if the bulb is for egg laying use a cfl so it doesnt produce heat. Heat sources are only recommended for quail in very severe temp conditions, when its going to go well below zero and stay there for a long time. A day or two of 0* isn't severe to your quail. Wild coturnix are native to Russia and Northern China both places get quite cold in the winter.
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The light is for eggs and to hopefully keep the water from freezing. I'll lower the plastic on the door to make the vent. Yes, they and the rabbits are both stinky.

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